Anxiety: Watch Out For These 6 Symptoms

Anxiety is a feeling when you feel fearful, scared and uneasy. This happens when you are stressed, tense or overthinking. It causes sweating, burning sensation in the chest and increased heartbeat. Anxiety has become a common problem these days affecting the mental health of many people and has become a serious concern. Almost 1 in 4 people suffer from anxiety and in the busy world where people are running towards making career and earning money, this number is increasing. Check out 6 signs of anxiety:

difficulty breathing

When a person is experiencing anxiety, he feels short of breath and cannot breathe properly. They feel uncomfortable. If you feel short of breath, take a deep breath and move to an open area, a closed area can make you lose more. Drinking water may also help you regain consciousness.

recurring nightmares

A person suffering from anxiety disorder usually has bad dreams/nightmares. This leads to irregularity in the sleep schedule or feeling of sleeplessness. Your sleep gets disturbed and you have to face sleep interruption. To avoid this, you can try not to use your phone before sleeping or try to avoid thinking.

sweaty or cold hands

Sometimes your hands may feel cold or sweaty due to stress which is a sign of anxiety. If you feel this way, you can try not to be alone and be with someone who you can talk to and feel better. Being alone can make the situation worse.

inability to stay calm

During anxiety, you have irritation and difficulty in breathing due to which you are not able to calm yourself down. Sometimes taking long breaths does not help. If you are feeling lost, go to a family member or friend who is close to you. If you are alone, call someone and talk. Talking helps reduce your thoughts and helps you stay calm.

change in behavior

Anxiety can turn an extrovert into an introvert or perhaps an introvert into an extrovert. Sometimes a person becomes rude and grumbling, or he may start feeling guilty in any situation. Many types of changes are seen in the behavior of a person. They may even begin to lose trust in others and isolate themselves.

low mood

Anxiety can lead to low mood or depression. You may feel lonely and don’t want to talk to anyone, not even your closest friend. Your appetite gets worse and you start avoiding food. You avoid doing the things you love to do, such as reading or dancing, and lie in your bed all day doing nothing,

Mental health should not be ignored. If you are facing some symptoms, try not to be alone, eat good food and regular meals, do whatever you love to do from art to singing and try to consult a doctor. Avoid taking medicines if you are in the initial stages.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)