Ankita Konwar demonstrates a Pada Rajakapotasana and details its health benefits

Milind Soman and his wife Ankita Konwar have always set the bar high when it comes to staying fit and working out. Ankita is a big-time fitness enthusiast and a marathon runner who swears by yoga, and her Instagram timeline bears testament to the same. While she prefers to maintain versatility in her physical activities, her love for yoga is an open story, which she specializes in. Continuing the trajectory of being an avid Instagram user, Ankita recently took to her official Instagram handle to drop a picture of herself doing a particularly difficult yoga asana, called a Pada Rajakapotasana. .

A Pada Rajakapotasana is also known as King Pigeon Pose and is usually performed by professionals or in the presence of an expert. However, Ankita inspired her fans by adopting a complex posture. In the picture, she can be seen turning her body in such a way that her right leg turns behind her and touches her head, which she leans backwards with the help of her hands.

In the caption of her post, Ankita wrote a long note explaining the benefits of pigeon pose. Ankita divided her caption into two parts. While the first part detailed the physical benefits of asanas, the second part focused on the emotional benefits of asanas.

She wrote, “Ek Pada Rajakapotasana improves flexibility in the hips, pelvis and waist. Opens up the shoulders and chest. Lengthens the flexors of the hips. Opens up the hip joint and expands the range of activities in it.” Explaining the emotional benefits, Ankita said, “Emotional benefits – it is our initial response to accumulate stress, trauma, fear and anxiety in the hips . These bottled up feelings create tight hips. This asana opens up the hips and releases negative emotions and unwanted energy accumulated in your system.