Air Force Chief warns of all-out attack: China and Pakistan can open a two-way front, we have to be ready for emergency

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  • Indian Air Force Chief Interview| Air Chief Marshal VR Choudhary on potential military threat from China and Pakistan

New DelhiOne hour ago

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Pakistan from one side and China from other side, the geographical position of India is such that both the enemy countries remain a threat to India. Now Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhary has also confirmed this. Anticipating a simultaneous attack from China and Pakistan, he has said that India should see the unrest and instability on the western and northern borders as a situation of ‘two-front contingency’. Accordingly, your preparations should be kept complete.

The country can be attacked from all sides
In an interview to news agency PTI, Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhary said that India can be attacked from all sides. Anything can happen from military stand-offs to misappropriation of intelligence and hacking of power sources. In such a situation, India’s security systems and capabilities will have to be prepared for these challenges.

The country’s first Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat and former Army Chief MM Naravane had also expressed concern about simultaneous attacks by China and Pakistan on the northern and western borders, but this is the first time that a current army chief has two- Anticipating a one-sided war, it has been said to make a detailed plan.

We need to sense every danger
The Chief of Defense Staff was asked whether the Russian attack in Ukraine might prompt China to intensify its activities along the LAC. Responding to this, he said that the impact of all global and geopolitical events on India-China relations is being assessed continuously in all domains at all levels.

He further said that as a country, we need to accurately assess all our immediate and future threats, so that the necessary capabilities can be prepared to fight them.

Indian Air Force can respond to opponents anytime
Despite the ongoing border dispute between the two countries, when asked about China having deployed its fighter jets near the border in northern Ladakh, the Air Chief Marshal said that the Indian Air Force wants it within a very short time. Can give a befitting reply to the opponent.

It is wise to prepare for war on both sides
Referring to geopolitical changes, he said any future conflict would require all elements of national security to be united. We have to look at it as an ‘all of nation approach’.

He said that there are many challenges on our western and northern borders, especially because there is already unrest on the borders here. He said that it would be wise for us to see the situation as a ‘two-way war situation’ and prepare for it accordingly.

He said that the operational plan of the country’s army, increasing its capabilities and training should be such that it is prepared to deal with the biggest threat coming from any side.

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