AIBE 17 Exam 2023 Today, Check Exam Day Guidelines, Admit Card Details

Candidates must not forget to carry admit card to the exam center (Representational image)

Candidates must not forget to carry admit card to the exam center (Representational image)

Candidates can download their hall ticket from or

bar council of India (BCI) is all set to conduct the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) 17 on 5 February. The seventeenth edition of the entrance exam will be conducted in offline mode. Candidates can download their hall ticket from or

Candidates must not forget to carry the admit card to the exam centre.

“Candidates will also be allowed to carry copies of bare acts without notes, but if such copies are not available, copies of bare acts with brief notes/atleast notes will be allowed on the basis of request by some candidates ” Main website.

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AIBE Admit Card Guidelines

All the appeared candidates must carry the AIBE XVII admit card along with a photo identity proof to their respective exam centre.

Candidates are advised to report at their respective examination centers by 8:30 AM. Please tell that after 10:15 am, the candidates will not be given admission.

Applicants are allowed to carry only bare works without downloaded copies of notes and acts inside the examination center.

Candidates with more than 50 percent disability will be given additional time of 20 minutes. Also, before entering the examination hall, these candidates must submit attested copy of their disability certificate to the invigilator to avail extra time.

If a candidate cannot take the exam due to disability, a scribe, preferably a class 10 or 12 student, can write the paper for them. Munshi should carry their school identity card, age proof and address proof like Aadhaar card along with them.

AIBE 2023 exam is conducted by the Bar Council of India (BCI) as a national level entrance exam to provide Certificate of Practice (COP) to the candidates so that they can practice in the court of law in India. The exam assesses an advocate’s ability to apply laws and practice in India and is a requirement for obtaining a certificate of practice. AIBE is conducted in multiple languages, and the certificate awarded is valid across India.

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