Afghanistan’s media under Taliban rule enters the unknown – Times of India

Kabul: Crores of journalists are among the thousands trying to escape from Afghanistan Taliban takeover, fear of violent retaliation from the militants.
Despite their assurances, the Islamist group’s return to power is seen as a serious blow to the Afghan media, which saw explosive growth since the toppling of the first Taliban regime in 2001.
When Islamists ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, there was no Afghan media to speak of.
He banned television, movies and most other forms of entertainment as being immoral. Some electronic products were even outlawed as un-Islamic.
Those caught watching TV faced punishment, including breaking their sets. Ownership of a video player may result in public blasphemy.
Magnetic ribbon tapes from destroyed cassettes could be seen fluttering from trees in parts of the capital, Kabul, for a while.
There was only one radio station, voice of sharia, which broadcasts propaganda and Islamic programming.
Under the US-backed regime formed after the fall of the Taliban in 2001, the Afghan media sector, including private TV and radio networks, had grown significantly.
And it wasn’t just news – movies, soap operas, talent shows and music videos were made as well.
Afghanistan now has more than 50 TV channels, 165 radio stations and dozens of publications, the watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said this month, citing the national press federation.
The use of the Internet and social media, particularly via smartphones, has also increased in recent years.
Most dramatically, the opening up of the Afghan media provided space and opportunities for the country’s women, who were shut out of public life, education and workplaces by the Taliban.
Hundreds of women across the country worked behind the scenes as journalists, producers, hosts and actors.
Dozens of Afghan journalists also worked for foreign media.
After the fall of Kabul, Taliban officials in Doha and Afghanistan insisted that the media could continue to operate freely and that journalists would not be harassed or harmed.
He held a formal press conference where the spokesperson zabihullah mujahidi Tough questions.
A Taliban official even sat down for a TV interview with a female journalist, as if to press the point.
With their promises about women’s rights and other issues such as amnesty, however, there is little trust among Afghan journalists that Islamists mean what they say.
In recent weeks, dozens of TV and radio outlets have stopped broadcasting or have been taken over by the Taliban as militants increasingly took over areas en route to Kabul.
And despite promises made by their top spokespersons, Taliban fighters have been going door-to-door in recent days in search of opponents, including journalists.
In the northern province of Jazzan, local radio station Salam Watander said on Monday that it would be allowed to broadcast the content after being reviewed by the local Taliban office.
There is a strong base of fear and mistrust among Afghan journalists.
Despite the region’s development, Afghanistan has remained one of the most dangerous countries in the world, with at least 53 casualties since 2001, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Media personnel have been targeted by terrorist groups with impunity over the years, a major factor in Afghanistan’s low ranking on press freedom indices.
A high-profile female journalist at state broadcaster RTA said last week that she was told to go home because “the system has been changed”.
“Our lives are in danger,” said Shabnam Turn.
Several Afghan journalists are reportedly in hiding or trying to leave the country on evacuation flights from Kabul.
A large number of people working for foreign media have left, but without foreign sponsorship it is a very difficult situation.
Veteran Afghan journalist Bilal Sarwari, who left on Sunday, said the situation had spiraled out of control.
“The massacre of my dreams and aspirations,” he tweeted.
“A sad day in my life.”


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