Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao announce divorce to remain friends and co-parents – Times of India

Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao, who recently completed his 15 . celebrated
th Wedding anniversary, divorce is announced. He released an official statement and updated about the same.

In a lengthy statement, the couple said that they had been planning to separate for some time. They said they would continue to be “dedicated parents” to their son Azad and that they would raise him together. The statement also said that they will continue to work together for, water foundation.

The statement read, “In these 15 beautiful years together we have shared the experiences, joy and laughter of a lifetime, and our relationship has only grown in trust, respect and love. We are now starting a new chapter in our lives.” Would like – no longer as husband and wife, but as co-parents and family to each other. We started a planned separation a while back, and now feel comfortable formalizing the arrangement We share our lives as an extended family despite living apart. We are dedicated parents to our son Azad, who we will raise together. We work on films, Paani Foundation and other projects. We will continue to serve as partners that we feel passionate about. Many thanks to our families and friends for their continued support and understanding of this development in our relationship, and without whom we would have been on this leap. We seek the best wishes and blessings from our well-wishers, and hope that – like us – you will see this divorce as an end. Not as a sign, but as the beginning of a new journey. thanks and love, beam And Amir.”

In December 2020, with Aamir and Kiran Azad and the actor’s daughter ira khan 15. seen celebrating
th Wedding anniversary in Gir National Park.


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