75% of patients not vaccinated: Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Covid deaths

New Delhi: Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said on Friday that 75 per cent of the patients who died due to COVID-19 in the national capital so far were not vaccinated.

Jain said Delhi first recorded 28,867 new Covid-19 cases on Thursday, adding the national capital is expected to record less than 25,000 cases on Friday.

“75% of the Covid patients, who died in the recent past, were without vaccination. More than 13000 beds (88%) are available,” he said, reported ANI.

The positivity rate in Delhi is currently 29.21 percent.

Earlier in the day, the Union Health Ministry said that 2,64,202 new Covid-19 cases were registered in the last 24 hours.

The ministry informed that India’s active caseload currently stands at 12,72,073, adding active cases stands at 3.48 per cent.

The Health Ministry said that 1,09,345 people were cured in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of recoveries to 3,48,24,706.

The ministry also informed that 5,753 cases of Kovid-19 omicron The variant detected so far is a 4.83 percent increase from Thursday.

The Health Ministry said that under the nationwide vaccination campaign, more than 155 crore 39 lakh doses of Kovid vaccines have been given in the country.

The ministry said that more than 73 lakh eight thousand COVID vaccine doses were given to the beneficiaries in the last 24 hours, adding this has been achieved through 1,66,59,387 sessions.

The Health Ministry further said that over 69 crore 90 lakh Covid-19 tests have been conducted so far, with 17,87,457 tests conducted in the last 24 hours.

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