5 Side-effects of Excessive Tomato Consumption You Must Know

Last Update: January 06, 2023, 18:43 IST

Since tomatoes are acidic, they produce excessive gastric acid in your stomach.

Since tomatoes are acidic, they produce excessive gastric acid in your stomach.

One of the most common side effects of eating too many tomatoes is an overdose of lycopene.

Tomatoes are low in calories and full of nutrition. From providing important nutrients like vitamin C and potassium to having protective powers against dangerous UV radiations from the sun, this nutrient-dense superfood offers many health benefits.

However, consuming them in excess can cause some side effects as well. One of the most common side effects of eating too many tomatoes is an overdose of lycopene. Below we have listed 5 harmful effects of excessive consumption of tomatoes. Just have a look

Acidity problem:

Since tomatoes are acidic, they produce excessive gastric acid in your stomach. Thus, eating too many tomatoes can lead to heartburn or acid reflux. People who frequently suffer from digestive stress or symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) should limit their tomato intake.

Joint Pain:

Tomatoes can cause joint pain and edema when consumed in excess. This is because tomatoes contain an alkaloid called solanine which can cause swelling and pain in the joints. This compound builds up calcium in the tissues which further causes inflammation.

Allergies and Infections:

Histamine, a compound found in tomatoes, can cause skin rashes or allergic reactions. Therefore, it is common to experience allergic reactions such as swelling of the mouth, tongue and face, sneezing and throat infection if you are allergic to tomatoes. In other words, if you’re allergic to tomatoes, even just touching them can cause skin irritation and inflammation.

kidney problems:

People with advanced chronic kidney disease should not consume tomatoes as they are high in potassium. Avoiding foods containing tomatoes, tomato sauce, and other tomato-based ingredients may help reduce high potassium levels in the blood, which is known to cause serious kidney problems.


Lycopenodermia is a condition where an excessive amount of lycopene in a person’s blood can cause discoloration of the skin. Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, is abundant in tomatoes and will not harm your health. However, eating too many tomatoes can have some adverse effects.

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