5 easy ways to use coconut water to make your skin look radiant and youthful

Coconut water is not only good for health but it is also very beneficial for the skin. It contains many nutrients that keep away the signs of aging on the skin and avoid wrinkles, pigmentation etc. The high electrolyte content present in it helps in soothing the skin, leaving the face looking fresh and glowing.

Coconut water is rich in amino acids, and hence, it is effective against dryness and makes your skin plump. So today we will tell you how you can include coconut water in your skincare routine and what are its benefits.

Use coconut water as a cleanser

Try spraying it on the face to clean the face with coconut water or you can also wipe it on the face with the help of cotton.

use it to remove makeup

Wipe off your makeup with the help of cotton wipes or you can also use it by filling it in a spray bottle.

use it as a face mask

Take 2 teaspoons coconut water, half teaspoon honey and half teaspoon turmeric powder in a bowl and mix them. Now apply it well on your face like a mask. Wash the face after 10 minutes and get instant glow on your face.

use it as a toner

Clean and wipe your face thoroughly. Now apply coconut water on your face with the help of cotton and leave it overnight.

Use as mist:

You can also use it as a face mist during the summer season. Pour coconut water in a spray bottle and spray it on the face daily as a face mist. Your skin will remain fresh and soft.

,DisclaimerThe information in this article is based on general assumptions. Hindi News18 does not confirm this. Please consult the concerned specialist before applying these.)

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