100 million have had Covid-19 for longer, estimates study – Times of India

LONDON: More than 40% of Covid-19 survivors worldwide have had post-disease effects, estimate researchers from the University of Michigan, based on their review of 40 earlier studies from 17 countries that have analyzed patients’ experiences. Saw – Long. is called covid, defined as new or persistent symptoms over four or more weeks after infection. The prevalence increased to 57% among those who required hospitalization, researchers reported Tuesday on medRxiv ahead of peer review.
He said the survival rate was 49% among women and 37% among men. Estimated long covid rate 49% in . Was Asia, 44% in Europe and 30% in the North America, Among the most common problems, fatigue was estimated to affect 23%, while shortness of breath, joint pain and memory problems each affected 13%.
NS Study Researchers say that probably not all cases of long covid were captured. “Based on WHO’s estimate of 237 million COVID-19 infections worldwide, this global pool … estimates indicates that approximately 100 million individuals currently experience or have previously experienced the long-term health consequences of COVID-19. Huh.” These health effects, they warn, “can put a significant strain on the health system.”
