सिरमौर के हाटी में अनोखे रीति रिवाज: दुल्हन बारातियों के साथ पहुंची दूल्हे के घर,100 से अधिक लोग हुए शामिल; अनोखी है जाजड़ा प्रथा

Paonta Sahib8 minutes ago

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People know and recognize Himachal by the name of Dev Bhoomi, but some such customs are also recognized here. In the Giripar area of ​​district Sirmaur of Himachal, even today there are some customs which you hardly know about.

Among Hati community of Giripar area of ​​Sirmour district Jajda (marriage) system is one of them which is decreasing but still this marriage system is being observed in some areas. According to this practice, it is the bride who takes the wedding procession to the groom’s house and the wedding ceremony takes place there.

old matrimonial tradition jajra
Jajda, the old matrimonial tradition of Giripar region, is still preserved by some people. Under this tradition, a matrimonial program was held in Kusenu village of Shillai subdivision. The bride in the matrimonial program was from Jagthan village of Tehsil Chakrata, Uttarakhand. While the groom belonged to Kusenu village of Shillai sub-division.

The bride reached the groom’s house with a wedding procession
Where the bride reached the groom’s house with a procession of more than 100 baraatis. Suman Joshi of Uttarakhand brought a wedding procession to Rajendra Pandey’s house in Kusenu village. All the rituals of marriage were performed at the groom’s house. The groom’s father Kumbhram told that in the Jajda tradition, neither the groom takes the procession nor does it go round the bride’s house. The special thing about this Jajda is that there is a complete ban on intoxication doing. No alcohol was served at the wedding.

Ethnographic Report of Hati Community
Kundan Singh Shastri, general secretary of the Central Hati Committee, told that this is the tradition of the tribal area which has been written in the ethnographic report of the Hati community. The marriage took place according to Jajda tradition. Ancient tradition was seen in this marriage.

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