बीमार भाई को गोद लेकर 7 किमी पैदल चलीं मायावती: उनका 36 साल पुराना वह भाषण जिसने बसपा का वोट शेयर बीजेपी से आगे कर दिया

18 minutes agoAuthor: Raksha Singh

Mayawati, who was the Chief Minister of UP for 4 times, has turned 67 today. The BSP chief has been identified as taking tough decisions in politics. But in personal life, she has been equally soft-hearted. Once she carried her brother who was ill for 2 days on foot for 7 kms.

Today, along with the stories of his sensitivity, we will also know his 36-year-old speech, which raised the vote share of BSP above that of BJP. Let us first know 2 stories from childhood. Even before that see this photo.

This is Mayawati's childhood photo.  He is with his parents and siblings.  (third from the right)

This is Mayawati’s childhood photo. He is with his parents and siblings. (third from the right)

Story 1: Rushed to catch hyena at Nani’s place
When Mayawati was 9 years old, she went to her maternal grandmother Simrauli. A small river named Kali river flows near the village. She was standing near the same river, when a hyena was passing by. Mayawati asked her maternal grandfather, ‘What is this, grandfather?’ Nana said, “It is a hyena, stay away from it or else it will eat you.”

Mayawati said to her maternal grandfather, how will he eat me, I will eat him before he eats me. Saying this, Mayawati ran after that hyena. Some people were working in the field ahead. He stopped Mayawati from going after the hyena and caught her and handed her over to her maternal grandfather.

Story 2: Walked 7 kms with two days old brother
When Mayawati was studying in class 5, her fourth brother Subhash was born. The child developed pneumonia two days after birth. At that time father Prabhu Das was not at home, he had gone to Ghaziabad for family work. Mother was also not in a position to get up from the bed. Being a government employee, the family got the facility of a government dispensary. But, she was in New Rajendra Nagar, 7 kms away. So it was difficult to go there.

This is Mayawati's photo at that time, when she left studies and entered politics.

This is Mayawati’s photo at that time, when she left studies and entered politics.

Mayawati got up. Picked up father’s dispensary card. Filled a bottle of water and picked up the child and started walking. Whenever the child cried on the way, Maya used to put a few drops of water in his mouth. She was tired because of the long journey. Sometimes she used to turn the child towards the right shoulder and sometimes towards the left shoulder. She finally reached the hospital drenched in sweat. When the doctors saw, they were surprised. The treatment of the child started. Injections were given and after three hours his condition improved.

After this Mayawati picked up the child again in her lap and started for home on foot. When I reached home it was 9:30 in the night. At that time Subhash got well. Subhash died on July 9 in 2016.

  • Now the story of establishment of BSP and propaganda by Mayawati.

Started public awareness campaign while being number two in the party
Kanshi Ram formed the BSP on 14 April 1984. Mayawati was at the number 2 position in the party at that time. Jan Jagran Abhiyan was started for the expansion of the party. Mayawati took command of it. Every day she used to do many rallies on foot and sometimes on cycle.

Dalits and Muslims used to figure prominently in Mayawati's speech.

Dalits and Muslims used to figure prominently in Mayawati’s speech.

The crowd was waiting for Mayawati
In 1986, 30 years old Mayawati reached Haridwar to address a meeting. At that time Haridwar was a part of UP. Mayawati asked five questions to the public there and then answered them. The result was that the Lok Sabha elections were won in 1989 and the vote share of the BSP reached above that of the BJP. Let us know 5 questions of speech.

1: Did any Dalit flourish in the Congress government?
Ajay Bose, who wrote a book on Mayawati’s life, writes in the book Behenji, Mayawati started the speech by raising a question in front of Congress voters mainly Dalit public and tradition. She would ask, “Can you tell me the name of a Dalit person who has prospered in the last 40 years because of the economic schemes of the Congress government?”

When the turn came to answer the question, the public became silent. Because he did not see anyone around who got the benefit of the economic schemes. Mayawati would say, “So you believe that the Congress has fooled the Dalits?” Here the public first showed hesitation and then said, “Yes, Congress fooled all of us.”

2: There is not a single Dalit CM on the Congress government in 22 states
Ajay writes, Mayawati then asked the second question, “In every election since the first election in 1952, 95% of Congress votes are of Dalits and only 5% of Brahmins, but in Congress-ruled states or at the Centre, 5 % are Dalit ministers and 55% are Brahmin ministers. There is not a single Dalit among the Chief Ministers of 22 states of the country. Why do you think this is so?” The crowd shouted, “You are right, the Congress fooled us.”

Mayawati used to be the most attacking Congress at that time.

Mayawati used to be the most attacking Congress at that time.

3: Upper castes do not want Dalits to eat well
“We all know that these upper caste Manuwadis don’t want dalits to eat well, wear good clothes and do good work. So can such a machine be made in the state or at the centre,” Mayawati said in front of an enthusiastic crowd. Who can change the hearts of these upper caste people and ministers, so that they can help Dalits to flourish?” The crowd nodded first and as soon as Mayawati finished speaking, they shouted, “No, it’s impossible, they hate us, they will never wish us well.”

4: Had Baba Saheb joined any Manuwadi organization, would he have done anything?
Mayawati told the public that today there are doctors, engineers, IAS officers even among the Dalits. We should thank Babasaheb Ambedkar for this. Pointing to the crowd, he said, “Do you think that if Babasaheb would have done so much for the Dalits if he had joined a Manuwadi party instead of forming his own organization?”

The public was sitting in the hall ready to shake their heads and hands. The answer came from the crowd, never, they would never allow Babasaheb Ambedkar to do this.

5: Don’t want a separate party to be formed for Dalits facing oppression and exploitation
Mayawati, 30, was now in decisive talking mode. He said, “Don’t you now want that these 85% of the population who are being oppressed and exploited should form a separate party? Don’t you wait for the day when these majority people will decide their destiny by taking power in their hands?” make changes?”

After this last question of Mayawati, the public started raising slogans. slogans were

Kanshiram you struggle, we all are with you.
Mayawati you struggle, we are with you.

Mayawati got full support of Kanshi Ram.  This was the reason why she continued to move forward.

Mayawati got full support of Kanshi Ram. This was the reason why she continued to move forward.

After this speech of Mayawati, when she was appreciated, she got involved in the expansion of the party with double energy. On 15 August 1987, in front of a huge crowd at Delhi’s Jama Masjid, he did a program called Bhaichara Banao.

Appealed to the Muslims to join the alliance of Dalit-Backward castes. To this he said, before 1947, 33% of the Muslims had jobs in the country, today only 2% have jobs. The impact of the speech was such that the Muslim voters of the Congress turned away. The result was that the BSP got 10% votes in the 1989 Lok Sabha elections. This was 2.5% more than BJP’s 7.5%.

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