पंजाब की जेल में बंद गैंगस्टर लॉरेंस का दूसरा इंटरव्यू: पंजाब के DGP ने 16 मार्च की जो फोटो दिखाई, उसी लुक-टीशर्ट में नजर आया

Amritsar4 minutes ago

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Gangster Lawrence, the mastermind behind the murder of Punjabi singer Sidhu Musewala, has given a second interview from inside the jail. This exposed the claims of the Punjab Police and its DGP Gaurav Yadav who claimed that Lawrence was not interviewed in any jail in Punjab.

In his second interview, Lawrence appeared in the same orange T-shirt and look whose photo was released by DGP Gaurav Yadav himself in front of the media on March 16 in Chandigarh. The DGP had claimed that this photo of Lawrence was taken on March 16 itself in Bathinda Jail in Punjab.

Lawrence, who is seen in short hair and trim beard, himself admitted that he gets mobile comfortably in jail. During the interview, Lawrence was seen laughing and talking fearlessly. He also showed his barrack in the jail.

In his second interview, Lawrence also talked about the feud he started with rival gangster Jaggu Bhagwanpuria. After the first interview, DGP Gaurav Yadav had claimed that since Lawrence did not talk about the dispute he started with Jaggu, his interview was out of date. After the second interview, this claim of DGP was also exposed.

Significantly, on March 14, two days after Lawrence’s first interview surfaced, on March 16, Punjab DGP Gaurav Yadav called the media at the police headquarters in Chandigarh and presented the police’s side. Showing photos on the screen, referring to Lawrence’s body, grown beard and yellow T-shirt, he said that this interview did not take place in Bathinda or any other jail in Punjab. During the search, the police could not find any yellow T-shirt from Lawrence, who was lodged in Bathinda jail.

Said – target to kill Salman Khan
In his second interview, gangster Lawrence once again said that he wanted to kill Bollywood star Salman Khan. Lawrence said that he has only one purpose to live and that is to kill Salman who has humiliated his society by hunting deer. Lawrence said that his society does not harm the deer and keeps it. Salman has hurt the sentiments of the entire society by hunting a deer.

Lawrence also said that due to excessive police security of Salman Khan, he is not getting a chance to kill him. Lawrence said he did not want any dispute with the police. The day the policemen with Salman Khan are not found or removed, he will try to fulfill his plan.

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Punjab DGP’s clarification: Claim- Interview was held outside Punjab

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Seeing Lawrence’s interview on social media, two minor sisters became fans, ran away from home and reached jail

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