गुरु को परमात्मा घोषित कराने सुप्रीम कोर्ट पहुंचा शिष्य: अदालत बोली- आप मानें, दूसरों पर थोप क्यों रहे; एक लाख जुर्माना भी

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  • Supreme Court strange petition; Who is Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra? delhi news

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The matter was listed in the bench of Justice MR Shah and Justice CT Ravikumar.

A strange case came up in the Supreme Court on Monday. A disciple started a public interest litigation to declare his guru as God. It was rejected by the bench of Justice MR Shah and Justice CT Ravikumar. Along with this, a fine of one lakh rupees was also imposed on the petitioner.

Now read why did the disciple make this demand?
The petitioner Upendra Nath Dalai is a disciple of Sri Sri Anukul Chandra Thakur. His demand was that in view of Sri Sri Thakur’s contribution to the religion-society, the Supreme Court should instruct him to consider him as God. BJP, RSS, All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Gurdwara Bangla Sahib, ISKCON Committee, Buddhist Society of India, National Christian Council were also made parties in Upendra’s petition.

Who is Anukulchandra Chakraborty - popularly known as Sri Sri Thakur.  He was the founder of Satsang at Deoghar.  Anukul Chandra died on 27 January 1969.  The Government of India issued a Memo postage stamp in his name in 1987.

Who is Anukulchandra Chakraborty – popularly known as Sri Sri Thakur. He was the founder of Satsang at Deoghar. Anukul Chandra died on 27 January 1969. The Government of India issued a Memo postage stamp in his name in 1987.

Now read what the court said in its order?

  • Rejecting the draft, the court said – India is a secular country. The petitioner cannot be allowed to force the people of the country to believe that Sri Sri Anukul Chandra is divine.
  • Justice Shah said – If you want to consider him as God, then accept it, why are you imposing it on others. We have not come here to listen to your lecture, but to narrate it. We are a secular country.
  • You believe that there is only one Guruji… Does this ever happen brother? Everyone has full rights in this country. Whatever religion you want to follow, follow it.

While imposing fine said – now people will think 4 times
After the arguments of the disciple, the court did not find this petition in public interest. Therefore, a fine of one lakh rupees was also imposed on him. On the request of Upendra not to impose fine, Justice Shah said – We have imposed less fine. No one has the right to misuse the PIL. Now people will think at least 4 times before making such a petition.

This fine has been ordered to be deposited in the Supreme Court Registry within 4 weeks.

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