एक जस्टिस 15000 पेज का रिकॉर्ड कैसे पढ़ सकता है: डी वाई चंद्रचूड़ बोले-आजकल हाईकोर्ट में लाइव स्ट्रीमिंग हो रही, जज बोलते वक्त ध्यान रखें

New Delhi2 minutes ago

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Country’s Chief Justice DY Chandrachud said on Saturday that how can you expect a judge to read 15,000 pages of records. He said during a program in Odisha that the digital infrastructure we intend to create is the first paperless court. Second Virtual Court Nowadays most of the High Courts are doing live streaming on YouTube. There was a clip of a Patna High Court Justice asking an IAS officer why he was not dressed properly.

Gujarat High Court Justice was asking a lawyer why he is not ready for the case. There is a lot of funny stuff going on in youtube that we need to stop. Because what happens in court is a very serious matter. There is another aspect to what we are doing live streaming. As a judge, we need to learn. Whatever we say in the court has to be taken care of because it comes in the public domain.

Chandrachud said – preparing committee for data privacy
Chandrachud said on cyber security how do we ensure data security and data privacy. I have formed a committee. This committee is taking time because it is the most difficult and important part of our work. We are developing a national model for data protection and privacy. Whenever it is completed, we will have achieved a big milestone.

Chief Justice said – We launched LGBTQ handbook
The Chief Justice said that we have recently launched an LGBTQ handbook. Soon we are also going to release a legal glossary of inappropriate words for gender. If you read a judgment in 376, you will come to know that there are many words which are inappropriate but they are used. Our Judiciary will not be small by legal glossary and with time we will move forward with legal language, because we give more importance to language than subject and things.

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