अरुणाचल में पुलिस ने नागा विद्रोहियों का कैंप जलाया: भारत-म्यांमार बॉर्डर के पास पहले बड़े ऑपरेशन में मिली सफलता; हथियार बरामद

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • India Myanmar border; Arunachal Pradesh Police raids Naga militants’ camp

Itanagar7 minutes ago

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In Arunachal Pradesh, the police raided a large camp of Naga rebels and destroyed the camp. Police have also recovered weapons from this camp of the Eastern Naga National Government in Changlang district along the Indo-Myanmar border. It was a big police operation, which he carried out alone.

As soon as the Arunachal Pradesh police got information about this camp, the Special Task Force (STF) of the police and the Changlang police raided the camp on Thursday morning itself. A senior police officer said that the objectionable activities of this insurgent group were on the police radar for several months. It was necessary to act to eliminate the threat posed by this group. The police made a strategy in this regard and carried out the operation successfully.

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