You aren’t washing your feet properly, and it’s going to damage them

if you think that’s enough splash feet in soapy water In the shower, you’re wrong. In fact, you are harming your health by not washing your feet properly. In this way problems can be avoided.

The mistake in washing technique is understandable because most people don’t actually wash their feet, but think that if they throw them in soapy water under the shower stall, that’s enough. Now, doctors say this habit must change, and it’s time to give feet the care they deserve. Remember, they carry the weight of our bodies when we run around all day.

Dermatologist Dr. Rosmi Barrios pointed out that a minimal effort of wetting the feet with soap left over from washing the body is not enough and not washing the feet thoroughly can lead to serious infections.

Rosemary told Reader’s Digest wash that feet An essential aspect of good hygiene. It is important to wash your feet thoroughly with warm water and soap, paying special attention to the areas between the toes. If the feet are not washed properly then it can cause many problems.

Potential problems if you don’t wash properly

Bad odor: Stinky, smelly feet won’t harm your health, but you definitely want clean feet. Rosemary said that sweat and bacteria accumulate in the feet, which causes the unpleasant odor. He said that bacteria living on the skin and shoes actually eat the sweat and cause foot odor. Cleaning feet properly will keep bacteria under control and prevent unpleasant odors and infections.

A woman’s feet after a pedicure (illustration) (Credit: Wallpaper Flair)

Fungal or bacterial infection: Because bacteria thrive in moist, dark places such as the inside of shoes and socks, fungal, bacterial or viral infections can be an unfortunate result. A common fungal infection is athlete’s foot. Fungal nail infection can occur if the toe nails are not washed and cut properly, causing the nails to break and turn black.

Although bacterial infections of the feet are less common, some can be caused by poor hygiene, such as eczema. Barrios said some infections have serious consequences. Untreated foot infections can lead to foot amputation, especially in people with weakened immune systems or conditions such as diabetes. Therefore it is necessary to make foot care a priority as part of the hygiene routine.

Dry and cracked skin: While dry, cracked skin on the feet, especially around the heels, is not a sign of dirty feet, it does indicate that dead skin has accumulated there and the feet have not received enough moisture. Sitting in hot water for a long time dries the feet quickly. It will take time to replace the moisture that seeps in.

Moisturize your face as recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). feet after shower, The AAD claims that the best foot moisturizer formula should contain 10% to 25% urea, alpha hydroxy acid or salicylic acid and should be applied immediately after showering.

Wash feet the right way:

First, be sure to wash your feet daily. Rub the area between the feet and toes thoroughly. Just walking on soapy water is not enough! Then dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes.

When washing feet, check for cuts, sores, swelling or dryness. If any of the above four are visible, handle it before the situation worsens.

Keep toe nails short and clean. Change socks at least once a day, more often if perspiration accumulates. Wear one pair of shoes on alternate days to give each pair time to dry.