Xi said the Biden war must end but refrained from blaming Putin. Major updates in Russia-Ukraine conflict

In a crucial video call between United States President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday, China insisted that the war in Ukraine must end soon. But Russia’s close ally did not blame President Vladimir Putin for his “military campaign” launched on February 24.

Xi also called on NATO countries to hold talks with Moscow in a call that lasted for nearly two hours. It was expected that Biden would warn the Chinese leader of a heavy price if his country continued to support Russia. The White House did not immediately release any details of talks between the two leaders, who also discussed other important issues such as Taiwan.

Authorities in the besieged southern port city said one person was seriously injured but no one was killed in the Mariupol theater bombing, where some 1,000 people were believed to be trapped. Russia also fired missiles at an airport near Lviv, a city where civilians had taken refuge as Moscow tried to regain its stalled operation.

“As per initial information, no one is dead. But one person is reported to be seriously injured.”

Here are the highlights of the conflict which is now in its fourth week:

Xi said the Biden war must end: In a call that lasted nearly two hours, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his US counterpart Joe Biden that the war in Ukraine should end, but did not blame Russia for his aggression. Xi also said that NATO countries should come together and hold talks with Moscow. According to a statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, he told Biden that conflict and confrontation are not in anyone’s interest. “The top priorities now are to continue dialogue and dialogue, to avoid civilian casualties, to prevent humanitarian crisis, to stop fighting and to end the war as soon as possible,” the Chinese president said. ,

Ukraine has added a new front to US-Chinese relations that are already at their worst in decades. Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China has refused to condemn Putin’s actions or even call it an invasion. Beijing has repeatedly said that Russia has “legitimate security concerns” that must be addressed. The Biden administration has threatened China with “consequences” if it helps Russia’s Ukraine effort. But to target Beijing, similar to sanctions imposed on Russia, would have dire consequences for the US and the world. China is the second largest economy and largest exporter.

Russia making progress in talks with Ukraine: Russia is close to an agreement on a neutral status for Ukraine, said the head of the Russian delegation in talks with Ukrainian officials. Vladimir Medinsky, who led Russian negotiators in several rounds of talks with Ukraine, said the two sides had “narrowed down their differences”. The issue of neutral status and the absence of NATO membership for Ukraine is one of the key issues in the talks.

Medinsky also said that a meeting between Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is likely to take place after a draft treaty to end hostilities is finalized and given preliminary approval by both sides.

Putin also discussed Moscow’s conflict with Ukraine and its international repercussions with his Security Council. Unlike previous meetings, Putin’s video conference was not broadcast. “The meeting discussed the current international situation and continued to exchange views on the ongoing special operations of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

Putin also told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that Kyiv was attempting to stall peace talks but Moscow was keen to continue talks.

No one killed in Mariupol bombing, Lviv airport bombed City officials said one person was seriously injured, but no one was killed, in a Russian attack on a theater harboring civilians in Mariupol. “As per initial information, no one is dead. But one person is reported to be seriously injured,” the city council said. Zelensky said rescue operations were underway to rescue hundreds of people trapped under the rubble. “There are still hundreds of Mariupol residents under the rubble. Despite the shelling, we will continue the rescue operation despite all the difficulties.

Three missiles landed at an airport near Lviv, a city where hundreds of thousands had sought refuge. Russia is shelling cities in eastern Ukraine, especially Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Mariupol.

Meanwhile, Kyiv has survived a major attack with Russian soldiers trapped at its gates. But residents of the capital city have endured deadly missile attacks.

UN says refugee count rises to 6.5 million, more than 800 dead The United Nations said at least 816 civilians had been killed and 1,333 wounded in Ukraine as of March 17. Most of the casualties were from explosive weapons, such as shelling, as well as missiles and air strikes. The United Nations said that some 6.5 million people have now been displaced.

Putin seen in big rally, but ‘technical glitch’ in the program Putin appeared at a rally in Moscow waving a giant flag and praised his country’s soldiers, but the program suffered a “technical glitch” while broadcast by state television. Putin was addressing a packed football stadium when coverage of his speech was unexpectedly interrupted. The Kremlin called it a “technical problem with the server”. In his speech, Putin promised that all the objectives of the Kremlin would be achieved. “We know what we have to do, how to do it and at what cost. And we will carry out all our plans to the fullest.” During the disturbance period, state television showed pre-recorded footage of patriotic songs.

(with agency input)

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