World Wind Day 2022: What is wind energy? History and Significance

World Wind Day 2022: World Wind Day, also known as Global Wind Day, is observed on 15 June. The day is celebrated to realize, address and execute wind energy and the possibilities that come with it for the future. Energy enjoys the top shelf when it comes to keeping a civilization alive and intact. Humans have used fossil fuels, a non-renewable resource, for energy production for decades.

Slowly, this resource is getting exhausted and is rapidly moving towards the end. As a result, special attention is paid to clean and renewable energy sources and the air in one of them. Wind power has the potential to completely reshape the energy systems on which the world rests. World Wind Day came into existence to increase the knowledge about wind energy and its applications.

World Wind Day: History

Wind Europe, formerly known as the European Wind Energy Association, is an association based in Brussels that started Global Wind Day in 2007. Two years after holding the first Wind Day in 2009, Wind Europe joined forces with the Global Wind Energy Council. GWEC) and launched the initiative globally.

World Wind Day: Significance

As the world enters the new decade, the world has taken climate change as a significant challenge. Efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 °C can be seen all over the world. Major countries are vowing to limit carbon emissions and aim toward net-zero emissions.

In such a scenario, wind has emerged as one of the most useful resources to reach the global target. Both offshore and onshore wind are being harnessed for power generation. Celebrating Global Wind Day every year will ensure that human beings do not deviate from the path which should be followed to sustain in future.

What is wind power?

Wind power is the use of wind to produce mechanical or electrical power. Wind power is one of the fastest growing technologies under the renewable energy umbrella. The kinetic motion generated by the wind is converted into electrical energy by the use of a motor shaft and a generator.

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