World Sleep Day 2022: Ensure quality sleep with correct posture

World Sleep Day 2022: When ‘sleep’ is good, then there is abundance of health and happiness. Isn’t this a good way to live a healthy life! Well, ideally this is the secret mantra to attain optimum quality of life. This World Sleep Day, let’s pledge to take care of your sleeping patterns, ensure proper sleeping posture and move towards a healthier life.

Emphasizing the importance of sleep, the World Sleep Society (formerly known as the World Association of Sleep Medicine), was the first to initiate World Sleep Day. Since 2008, it is celebrated annually on the Friday before the March equinox (also known as the Spring Vernal Equinox).

This year it is March 18 which commemorates this eventful day primarily intended to raise awareness about sleep as a human privilege. A privilege that is often jeopardized by modern lifestyle habits. Having said that, we can definitely tackle this issue by adopting better methods of prevention and management of sleep disorders.

So, on this special day, we bring you the right sleeping postures to ensure you get enough sleep. Have a look:

Sleeping on back

This asana is great for the health of the neck and spine. It is also known as ‘reckless position’ or ‘shavasana’. With your body weight evenly distributed, our spine remains straight and untwisted, providing much-needed support. Apart from this, this asana also helps in preventing facial wrinkles.

  1. pillow under your knees
    You can use a pillow under your knees while sleeping in this position. This helps maintain that curve in your lower back. This reduces the stress on the pressure points of the body.
  2. inclined position
    Sleep on your back in a reclined position. It is beneficial for patients with isthmic spondylolisthesis as it ensures an angle between the thighs and the torso, and reduces pressure on the spine.
  3. sleeping on the side
    This is the best and highly recommended posture to ensure quality sleep and good health. In this position the spine remains long and relatively neutral (with perfect mattress), reducing neck, back, shoulder pain.
  4. sleep with a pillow under your head
    You can use a firm, medium-height pillow or ergonomic cushion to support the head and neck.
  5. sleep with a pillow between your knees
    The hips, pelvis and spine get better alignment if you use a pillow between your knees. Also, after eating food, sleep on your left side.
  6. sleeping on stomach
    Slightly similar to ‘Makarasana’, this is also known as the prone position, which can help reduce snoring. It is beneficial for people with degenerative diseases.
  7. fetal position
    Rotating the torso to the fetal position opens up the space between the vertebrae. Good for both pregnant women and people with herniated discs. The main idea is to maintain the proper alignment of your spine. Especially align your ears, shoulders and hips.

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