World Peace and Understanding Day 2022: Theme, History and Significance

World Peace and Understanding Day 2022: Celebrated on February 23, World Peace and Understanding Day is Rotary Club’s birthday as well. With the motto to spread peace, the day is celebrated to remember that it is our world, and we collectively can make it a peaceful place to live. The name of the day signifies making a common ground for the people of the world to live with and have an understanding of love and respect for each other to build better human connections. It is focused on achieving goodwill, peace, and understanding among all people of the world.

Let us find out the history, significance, and theme of World Peace and Understanding Day.

World Peace and Understanding Day 2022: Theme

World Peace and Understanding Day has a motto that stands for “Service above Self”. The day is celebrated across the world with the thought of understanding amongst people and sharing life values ​​to maintain peace and harmony. It is every individual’s responsibility to help create a world that serves peace and understanding amongst the people. If each one of us work on ourselves then we can easily achieve this goal.

This year, the Rotary Club of Lagos will hold The World Peace and Understanding Day Symposium with the theme ‘Promoting Peace among Ethnic Nationalities in Nigeria.’

World Peace and Understanding Day: History

It started in the year 1905, and on the 23rd of February when four friends Paul Harris, Gustavus Loehr, Sylvester Schiele, and Hiram Shorey together discuss their small-town lives. This turned into becoming an official organization in the year 1922. They named themselves Rotary International organization or commonly known as Rotary Club.

World Peace and Understanding Day: Significance

The World Peace and Understanding Day sreads the message of sharing different values ​​to maintain world peace. Values ​​like education, literacy, equality, cultural values, development of the community, eradication of poverty, disease prevention, and more are shared amongst the people of the world. It also promotes people to be better humans and work on themselves so that they contribute to world peace.

This World Peace and Understanding Day, let’s all pledge to be a better version of ourselves and maintain peace for a better world.

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