World No Tobacco Day: How Smoking Affects Your Quality Of Life? What You Should Know

Ahead of World No Tobacco Day, experts said tobacco consumption is linked to several diseases such as cancer, heart and lung disease, which can have a serious impact on a person’s quality of life, and urged people to quit smoking.

World No Tobacco Day is observed every year on 31 May to educate people about the dangers associated with tobacco consumption.

Tobacco is a major public health concern across India. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey-India (GATS2), India is home to over 270 million tobacco users and globally, it is the second largest producer and consumer of tobacco products.

Tobacco and smoking contribute to a variety of diseases, including strokes, heart attacks, lung disorders and various cancers affecting multiple organs such as the mouth, throat, lungs, pancreas, bladder, kidneys, liver and stomach.

Dr Ravinder Gera, director and head of the ENT department at Max Hospital, Gurugram, told IANS: “Smoking is one of the dreaded causes of death in India, killing 12 lakh people annually.”

It causes significant damage to lung tissue at a microscopic level. The functional units of the lungs, called alveoli, facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with each breath.

“Smoking disrupts and destroys the structure and function of these alveoli, hindering their vital role in gas exchange. Whether from cigarette smoke or non-tobacco smoke, such as from burning biomass or incense, the alveoli are The damage accumulates over time and is irreversible,” Dr Gera said.

“It is important to recognize the reduced quality of life associated with smoking as a strong incentive to quit this harmful habit,” he said, adding that quitting requires firm commitment.

According to Dr. Ambareesh Joshi, Senior Consultant, Pulmonology, Primus Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, the urge to eat tobacco is the highest among tobacco users.

“To fight those urges, it’s important to note that although the intensity of a craving can be formidable, it will usually subside within 5 to 10 minutes, regardless of whether you succumb to the temptation,” he said.

Tobacco smoke contains toxic chemicals that also damage the lining of the airways and lungs. It weakens the patient’s immunity to fight against the mycobacterium that causes tuberculosis. More than 20 percent of global TB incidence can be attributed to smoking.

Adopting nicotine replacement therapy, abstaining from smoking triggers, social networking, employing the power of delay, channeling the impulse to chew with sugarless gum or healthy nuts, avoiding the fallacy of only one, and harnessing the power of physical activity There are some innovative and effective ways to overcome the urge to smoke, said Dr. Joshi.

Health experts said that each step towards a smoke-free life is a significant achievement, even though the journey may take time.