World Milk Day 2022: 5 Amazing Benefits of Milk for Skin Care

World Milk Day is celebrated on 1 June. This day is celebrated to celebrate the dairy industry. According to the official website, this year’s theme will “highlight the work already being done to help accelerate climate action and reduce the impact of the dairy sector on the planet.”

Milk is good for health as well as for the skin. However, it is not for everyone.

Here we have enlisted some skin benefits of milk

Works as a natural cleanser

According to the report of, milk contains lactic acid, which works to remove dirt when used as a cleanser.

exfoliates the skin

Raw milk contains an agent called beta hydroxy acid, which exfoliates the skin. It gets rid of dead skin cells, blackheads and whiteheads. Also, the protein present in raw milk removes blemishes, makes the skin smooth and glowing.

get rid of suntan

Raw milk acts as a natural sunscreen, which can be applied to the skin to protect it from sunburns and damage caused by the harmful rays of the sun.

act as a skin toner

Since milk contains moisturizing agents, it acts as an effective toner for the skin. You can also apply it on the face by mixing curd, turmeric, honey, sugar, coffee etc. in milk. This milk mask cleanses the skin and gives glowing skin.

Prevents signs of aging

Raw milk contains magnesium, which removes wrinkles, freckles, etc. on the forehead. It reduces the signs of aging by increasing the production of collagen. The protein present in milk helps in tissue repair and growth. Milk maintains the elasticity of the skin due to the presence of vitamin D and calcium.

Disadvantages of applying milk on the skin

The benefits of milk for skin and face are many, but if you are allergic to milk or are lactose intolerant, then you should stop using milk completely. If there is any swelling, redness, allergy or itching after applying raw milk on the skin, then immediately clean the face with cold water. In case of more problems, you should immediately contact a good dermatologist.

,DisclaimerThe health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and common sense. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following these at home.)

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