World Homeopathy Day 2022: Know the history and importance of homeopathy, and this year’s theme

New Delhi: World Homeopathy Day is celebrated every year on 10 April to acknowledge the contribution and importance of homeopathy in the world of medicine.

This day is celebrated every year on the occasion of the birthday of German physician Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. This year 10th April is the 267th birth anniversary of Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.

history of homeopathy

Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician, and the founder of the system of medicine known as homeopathy. He studied medicine in Leipzig and Vienna, and received his MD degree in Erlangen in 1779.

After practicing at various places, Hahnemann settled in Dresden in 1784.

In 1790, Hahnemann was translating the lectures of William Cullen materia medica in German. Cullen, also known as the Scottish Hippocrates, provided an explanation for why cinchona bark was useful in intermittent fever. Cinchona bark contains quinine, a drug used to treat malaria.

it was while translating materia medica That Hahnemann was astonished by the fact that the symptoms produced by quinine on a healthy body were similar to the pathological conditions quinine was used to treat.

Hahnemann used the effects of cinchona bark on himself. He observed that the consumption of cinchona resulted in a state of intermittent fever.

Physicians also experimented with substances commonly used in medicine at the time, including antimony and rhubarb. They also used poisons such as arsenic and belladonna. He noticed that each substance he took produced different symptoms.

These observations led Hahnemann to emphasize the theory that “choice is corrected by choice,” or “similar treatmentAccording to Britannica, this means that diseases are cured or must be treated with drugs that cause symptoms similar to diseases in healthy individuals.

The physician promoted his theory in a paper published in 1796.

Hahnemann believed that medicines in small doses effectively exercised their curative powers. So, four years later, he put forward his theory of “power of dynamism” drugs.

By 1810, he had completed his main task, “Part of the Rational Art of Medicine”which means “the organ of rational medicine.”

In this work there is a description of his system, which he called homeopathyor homeopathy.

Another work of Hahnemann, regimen materia medica, volume 6, meaning “pure pharmacology”, and was completed in 1811, detailing the symptoms produced by “proving” a large number of drugs. In other words, the physician systematically administered drugs to healthy subjects.

In 1835, Hahnemann moved to Paris, where he practiced medicine with great popularity until his death.

Importance of Homeopathy in India

Homeopathy was introduced in India almost two centuries ago. It is one of the most popular therapeutic systems in India, and is a part of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) services.

35.8% of all AYUSH colleges are academic homeopathic institutions.

The Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, aims to promote and conduct high quality research programs and projects in fundamental and applied aspects that contribute to the development of Homeopathy globally.

The Government of India has made continuous efforts for the growth and development of Homeopathy and other traditional systems of medicine.

There are 235 hospitals and 8117 dispensaries run by State Governments and Municipal Bodies, Central Government Health Scheme, Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Railways providing health services in Homeopathy. In order to make necessary architectural reforms in the basic health care delivery system in the country, the Government of India launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), whose strategy is to mainstream Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy.

World Homeopathy Day 2022: Theme

This year’s theme for World Homeopathy Day is “People’s Choice for Wellness”. On the occasion of World Homeopathy Day, the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, National Commission for Homeopathy and National Institute of Homeopathy under the aegis of Union Ministry of AYUSH are organizing a two-day scientific conference in New Delhi.

The conference was inaugurated on 9th April by the Union Minister of AYUSH, Ports, Shipping and Waterways Sarbananda Sonowal along with the Union Minister of State for AYUSH, Dr. Mahendrabhai Munjpara.

The Central Council for Research in Homeopathy states on its website that the objective of the scientific conference is to build the capacity and skills of homeopathic teachers, researchers, practitioners and students. This will increase the availability, accessibility and quality of homeopathic remedies.

The first day of the scientific conference saw the participation of many resource persons from India and abroad.

The aim of the interaction at the conference is to create a learning environment for qualitative transformation of Homeopathy in India.

“Together, we need to make homeopathy the first choice of treatment and wellness for people,” the council said.

The conference is also an opportunity to review the achievements so far in the field of Homeopathy and to formulate the future strategy for the development of the therapeutic system.

The objective of the scientific conference is to increase the acceptance of Homeopathy by the public and to inform the future roadmap for the advancement of Homeopathy as the first choice for the welfare of the people.

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