World Entrepreneur Day 2021: Get success with these basic mantras, know history

World Entrepreneur Day 2021: Across the world, this special day is completely dedicated to founders, managers, designers, industrialists, innovators, administrators- anyone who has a new idea or is working on a new idea to set up a business. On this occasion, we celebrate all the people who are running successful businesses, and cheer everyone who works behind the scenes to make every business a success. Today is an opportunity to create awareness about entrepreneurship, new ideas and leadership. Every year 21 August is celebrated as World Entrepreneur Day.

Why do we celebrate World Entrepreneur Day?

Entrepreneurs play a major role in the economic development of any country by bringing new ideas and innovations to the market. Although the idea of ​​entrepreneur has been around for years, the term was formally named after the 18th-century French economist Jean-Baptiste.

He pointed out shortcomings in his writings on Adam Smith’s book, agreeing on most points. In the modern economy, entrepreneurs are revered as the warriors of the open economy who bring something new to the world.

Entrepreneurship is not only for generating employment but problem solving and is an integral and very important part of economic development. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been emphasizing for years that entrepreneurs need capital, courage and conviction to succeed. Several initiatives and support from government and industry institutions have helped the startup environment to grow and flourish across the country.

Tips for celebrating World Entrepreneur Day:

  • Everyone recognizes the power of the Internet, even sharing a simple photo and message will get the job done.
  • Buy a gift or organize a party for your boss on August 21 and share your schedule to inspire others.
  • Organize cultural activities to promote awareness and entrepreneurship and create awareness about partnership business and innovative ideas activities, local talks, lectures, workshops and discussions.
  • Respect locally established businesses and entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs for business or leadership.


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