World Earth Day: Aishwarya Sakhuja Talks About The Condition Of Stray Animals, Calls It ‘Heartbreaking’

New Delhi: World Earth Day has become a major concern on our planet mainly for the issues like global warming, climate change and excessive pollution.

While these issues are the main attraction for people to become aware of the damage they are causing to our environment, other issues like cruelty to animals which are an equally important part of our environment take a back seat.

Actress Aishwarya Sakhuja, who has always been very vocal about topics related to animal welfare, decided to share her thoughts on how animals are not treated well. “The condition of stray animals is very heart-wrenching. We have encroached on their space, and we have forgotten how to peacefully co-exist with stray animals. But, paradoxically, they teach us how to live beautifully with them. , we can also learn to respect and appreciate the diversity of life around us.”

Aishwarya further adds, “It is disheartening that humans have taken themselves to be superior, and I believe that both humans and animals are equally important on this planet. Neglect and abuse of stray animals can lead to diseases, injuries, hunger and thirst. The situation can only improve when we realize that this planet belongs to all of us, and when that basic realization and respect is achieved, then only I think things can really get better. Till then we will have a few superheroes in every locality who not only take care of stray animals by feeding them but also open their hearts and homes by adopting them. Aishwarya concludes.