World Coconut Day 2021: From toasted rice to noodle soup, a look at recipes that are delicious and easy to make

September 2 marks World Coconut Day and it is an opportunity for you to access the many benefits of this tropical fruit that can be consumed both raw and ripe. Coconut is often referred to as a wonderful fruit because of the many benefits it provides to mankind. A member of the drupe family, this fleshy fruit is commonly found in tropical countries. Coconut has various health benefits due to the presence of antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral elements. Let’s take a look at some of the recipes that you can prepare with coconut that doesn’t compromise on the taste factor:

Roasted Coconut Rice

You’ll need four ingredients for this dish: coconut milk, rice, lime leaves, and dry coconut for garnish. After washing the rice off the starch by running it under cold water, put it in a large saucepan with a tight-fitting lid. Add coconut milk, lime leaves and a teaspoon of salt, then mix.

Add enough boiling water to cover the rice. Cook the rice for five minutes and then turn off the flame and leave the rice with the lid on for 20 minutes to steam. Garnish the rice with roasted coconut just before serving.

Reading: World Coconut Day 2021: History, Significance and all you need to know

pia colada

Given the neutral flavor of coconut, it can also be used to make a savory drink perfect for Sunday brunch. For this recipe you will need coconut cream, pineapple juice and white rum. Combine all the ingredients in a mixer, along with some ice cubes, and mix all together. Pour the drink into a tall glass and garnish with a pineapple wedge.

Reading: World Coconut Day 2021: Five health and nutritional benefits of the fruit

Coconut Porridge

Make your breakfast more delicious and healthier with this unique porridge. You will need oatmeal, coconut cream, coconut milk, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Begin by mixing oats, milk, coconut milk, sugar, cinnamon and a pinch of salt in a saucepan.

Bring the ingredients to a boil over low heat and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring from time to time to prevent the oatmeal from sticking to the saucepan. When it becomes thick and creamy, add a little more milk if you like it thinner. You can also garnish your oatmeal with fresh fruits like oranges, grapefruits, or banana slices.

Coconut Biscuits

Make your tea time even more wonderful with the taste of Coconut Cookies. For this recipe you will need unsalted soft butter, flour, coconut, castor sugar, brown sugar, one egg and vanilla essence. Start by heating the oven to 190C/170C fan/gas. In a large bowl, beat the butter using an electric whisk until very soft and then whisk in both the sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy, followed by the eggs until just combined.

Sift in the flour and a pinch of salt and stir to combine. Add roasted coconut. In the next step, roll the dough into balls and arrange on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Slightly flatten each dough ball using the palm of your hand and bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown and slightly firm to touch. Leave it to cool on the sheet for some time, then take it out in a bowl to serve.

Coconut Noodle Soup

Inspired by South East Asian cuisine, this dish will surely soothe your soul. The ingredients of this dish are coconut milk, mushrooms, red chili paste, rice noodles, beansprouts and spring onions. First of all, heat a large pan and fry red chili paste in it. Add coconut milk and half a can of water and then bring the contents of the pan to a boil.

Cook it for 5 minutes till it becomes slightly thick. Put the sliced ​​mushrooms in the pan. As a final step, add drained noodles, bean sprouts and spring onions, then heat for another minute. Serve noodle soup dish in a bowl.

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