Women Congress leader shot by miscreants: Rita Yadav was in discussion by showing black flag to PM Modi, party said – girls will have to fight

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Rita Yadav came into the limelight by showing a black flag to PM Modi, the party told the cowards who pull these sarees

Sultanpur10 hours ago

Congress leader Rita Yadav was shot by miscreants late on Monday evening. After committing the crime, the bike-borne miscreants fled waving their weapons. The woman leader, who was injured by a bullet in her leg, has been referred from the CHC to the district hospital. He was admitted to CHC Lambhua in an injured condition. When the situation became serious, doctors referred him to the district hospital. CO Lambhua Satish Chand Shukla reached the spot and investigated. Also, Rita’s statement has been recorded. She came into the limelight by showing a black flag to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Sultanpur.

When slapped, the miscreants shot
After regaining consciousness, Rita said, ‘I had gone to get the poster-banner made. From there she was going home. On the way, three people overtaking my Bolero near Lambhua on the highway and abusing them threatened to kill me. Put a pistol on my driver’s forehead. When I slapped him on it, he shot me and fled.

The Congress has targeted the BJP over this matter. Tagging JP Nadda, Congress tweeted- ‘JP Nadda ji, your party’s Jungle Raj’s hired goons are stopping girls from fighting. This cowardice is expected from cowards pulling women’s saris. Fearing the solidarity of daughters, the cowards are now molesting the daughters.

Priyanka Gandhi will meet the injured leader
Rita Yadav also met Priyanka Gandhi in Lucknow on December 17. Congress leader of Sultanpur Vijay Srivastava told that Priyanka Gandhi will also come to Sultanpur on Tuesday to take care of Rita Yadav.

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