Woman showers currency notes on shivling inside Kedarnath Temple | WATCH

The woman blew money in the sanctum sanctorum of Kedarnath;  Police
Image Source: Screengrab The woman blew money in the sanctum sanctorum of Kedarnath; Police registers FIR

An FIR was lodged against a woman seen in the viral video blowing money on the Shivling in the sanctum sanctorum of the Kedarnath temple.

In the video which is going viral on the internet, no one is seen stopping the woman who is blowing money on the Shivling. After this video went viral, the chairman of the Badrinath-Kedarnath Temple Committee (BKTC) has ordered an inquiry into the matter.

Badrinath-Kedarnath temple committee demands action

After this video went viral, it received a lot of hate and outrage. It is also to be noted that a person was recording in the temple when photography and videography is prohibited inside the premises.

India Tv - Police sent notice to the woman.

Image source: TwitterThe police has sent a notice to the woman.

Meanwhile, Badrinath-Kedarnath Temple Committee (BKTC) chairman Ajendra Ajay has asked Rudraprayag DM Mayur Dixit and Superintendent of Police to investigate the video. Also demanded action against the woman.

FIR lodged against woman

District Rudraprayag Police has issued notice on behalf of Kedarnath Temple Committee. On the basis of the complaint, Kotwali Sonprayag has registered a case against the woman for hurting the religious sentiments of the devotees in Kedarnath Dham.

Uttarakhand Police tweeted a video and wrote that taking cognizance of the video of a woman blowing money in the sanctum sanctorum of Kedarnath Dham, necessary legal action should be taken by the police by registering a case under relevant sections related to hurting religious sentiments.

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