Woman found dead in Gurugram Colony. Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurugram: A 42-year-old woman was found dead in her rented house Kanhai Colony, police said on Wednesday. Police said he had marks on his neck and was believed to have been strangled.
woman identified as Kamla DeviShe hails from Panna in Madhya Pradesh and was found dead on Tuesday in the house where she lived with a man.
The man is absconding and a prime suspect in the case, he said, adding that an FIR has been registered Sushant Lok Police station and the investigation continues.
Inspector Jasveer, SHO of Sushant Lok police station said, “The accused is still absconding and we are trying to nab him.”
According to the complaint, the woman’s son Baliram belongs to her father. Mahesh He had left about three years ago.
He told that about a year after his departure, his mother started living with Surendra.
“Surendra worked as a laborer and lived in Wazirabad village. He had moved to Kanhai Colony five months ago with my mother, but they often quarreled.
According to police, Baliram said in his complaint, “He is a drug addict. They had a fight on Tuesday evening. Later that evening I went to Wazirabad with an acquaintance and stayed there.”
“When I reached Kanhai Colony around 9.30 am today, I saw my mother lying dead and Surendra missing. He killed my mother,” he said.