‘Will miss him forever’: Donald Trump’s daughter’s reaction to mother’s death

Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump took to Twitter to write a heartfelt note following the death of her mother.

Ivanka Trump with her mother Ivana Trump

Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump, reacting to the news of the death of her mother Ivana Trump, said on Friday, ‘I will always remember her and will always keep her memory alive in our hearts. Donald Trump announced the death of his first wife on Thursday.

Ivanka shared a picture of herself with her mother on Twitter and said, “He lived life to the fullest – never missed an opportunity to laugh and dance.” She said that Ivana was “brilliant, charming, sentimental and wickedly funny” and was “heartbroken” at her death.

Donald and Ivana Trump had three children together – Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric. The couple married in 1977 and divorced in 1992.

A former model who once trained for the Czechoslovakian junior national ski team, Ivana Trump played a part in building the Trump media image in the 1980s, when they were one of New York City’s foremost power couples.

Neither the Trump family’s statement nor the former president’s post mentioned the cause of his death.

(with inputs from Reuters)

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