Will consider it my ‘service’ if Taliban kills me, says last Hindu priest in conflict-torn Afghanistan, refuses to flee

Desperate pictures of Afghans strapped to planes to escape the Taliban taking over the country are going viral on social media, but Pandit Rajesh Kumar, the last Hindu priest of the Ratan Nath temple, is an exception.

As the Taliban continued their offensive in Afghanistan, Kumar was urged to leave Kabul, with many Hindus offering to make arrangements for his travel and stay. However, for Kumar, his unwavering allegiance to the temple meant he was looking for no escape route.

Bhardwaj posted on his Twitter handle @BharadwajSpeaks, “Priest of Ratan Nath Temple in Kabul Pandit Rajesh Kumar said: “Some Hindus have urged me to leave Kabul and have offered to make arrangements for my travel and stay. But my ancestors served this temple for hundreds of years. I will not leave it. If the Taliban kills me, I consider it my service.”

The situation in Afghanistan worsened after the Taliban captured Kabul, the heart of the country and the last stronghold under government control. Since then, President Ashraf Ghani has fled the country, acknowledging that the rebels have won. Fearing retaliation, thousands of desperate Afghans try to flee the country, with disturbing visuals of some falling in mid-air as they cling to planes hoping for an escape route.

The Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement that India will help members of the small Sikh and Hindu community from Afghanistan come to India. We are in constant contact with representatives of the Afghan Sikh and Hindu communities. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said in a statement, “We will facilitate the return to India of those who wish to leave Afghanistan.”

India has invested millions of dollars in development projects in Afghanistan and Bagchi said the government stands with the Afghans who participated in that work.

DSGMC president Manjinder Singh Sirsa on Monday claimed that many Hindus and Sikhs have taken shelter at the Karate Parwan Gurdwara in Kabul after Afghanistan fell into the hands of the Taliban. The Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee chief said that he is in touch with the chairman of Kabul’s Gurdwara Committee regarding the security of minorities including Hindus and Sikhs in that country.

“I am in constant touch with the chairman and sangat of the Gurdwara Committee of Kabul, who has told me that in the wake of recent developments, more than 320 people, including 50 Hindus and over 270 Sikhs, have taken shelter at the Karta Parwan Gurdwara in Kabul.” Taliban leaders met him and assured him of his safety. We are hopeful that Hindus and Sikhs will be able to lead a safe life despite the political and military changes in Afghanistan.

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