Wife murdered in front of children, body boiled in a pan: Somewhere the wife was killed for playing Ludo, and somewhere her neck was cut

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It is said that a wife feels the most secure with her husband after her father, but if the husband is ready to take the life and respect of the wife, then what should the wife do. One such heart-wrenching incident has come to the fore in Pakistan. A man named Aashiq, living in Karachi, Pakistan, killed his wife in front of his 6 children. Not only this, after killing him, he boiled his dead body in the pot.

Wanted to get husband from wife
According to the news published in The News, Aashiq is a resident of Bajaur agency. He used to work as a watchman in a school. He and his family lived in the servant’s quarters of the school. The school was closed for about 9 months. People say that his financial condition was not good. So, for a few days, he was forcing his wife to have an illicit relationship with another man for money. But his wife was not at all ready to do so.

Boiled in a pan after taking wife’s life

On not listening to the wife, the husband got so angry that he suppressed her mouth with a pillow and the woman died as soon as she suffocated. Even after taking his wife’s life, the anger of the husband did not subside, he boiled the wife in a pan in front of the eyes of his 6 children. The accused then fled with his three children. After the death of the mother, the 15-year-old child himself disclosed this by calling the police helpline number.

The man killed his wife in front of the eyes of 6 children and boiled her dead body in a pan.

The man killed his wife in front of the eyes of 6 children and boiled her dead body in a pan.

Pakistan is unsafe for women

The number of crimes against women is high in Pakistan. Here 21 percent of the girls are married before the age of 18. Whereas, 3 percent of the girls get married before the age of 15. Most honor killing cases also come from Pakistan. However, in India too, many such shocking cases keep coming to the fore.

Wife used to play Ludo, husband killed her due to suspicion

In Dehradun, a husband strangled his wife to death for playing Ludo. The husband himself had confessed his crime in front of the police, the husband told that his wife Savannah used to play Ludo online on mobile. While playing, she also used to talk to some unknown person online. There used to be a dispute between the two regarding this.

Despite repeated refusal, the wife neither stopped playing the game nor did she stop talking to him. One day there was a fight between the two over this and in anger, he strangled his wife to death.

A quarrel broke out between husband and wife over child, husband cut his neck in anger

A few days ago, a quarrel broke out between a couple from Chhattisgarh over the sprain of the child. The quarrel between the two increased so much that the husband got angry and killed his wife by slitting her throat with an ax.

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