Widgets Are Coming Back To Apple Watch With watchOS 10 Version This Year

Last Update: May 03, 2023, 5:48 pm IST

Apple may bring back widgets on the Watch this year

Apple may bring back widgets on the Watch this year

Apple previously had widgets on smartwatches which were later replaced with apps.

Apple Watch may have widgets taking center stage with the watchOS 10 version coming soon. Apple’s popular smartwatches previously had widgets that were replaced with apps for ease of use.

But now reports suggest that Apple may share more details about widgets for Apple Watch along with the new watchOS version at the Apple WWDC 2023 keynote in June this year. Not just that, watchOS 10 is likely to bring ‘significant changes’ according to Bloomberg, and widgets will be one of its main focuses. Widgets have been a huge success on smartphones thanks to their ease of use and versatile use cases.

They were supposed to have a similar impact on wearables, but so far companies haven’t been able to fully harness its potential. Apple had this in its feature set for older versions of the Apple Watch, but somehow decided to junk the feature in favor of newer methods.

But Apple is going back to widgets for the Apple Watch this year, suggesting it’s ready to overhaul the mechanism and give consumers a wider choice by bringing widgets back to the Apple wearable.

Having widgets on Apple also means that the company can offer wider third-party support for the Watch which could help improve the experience of using it on other platforms such as Wear OS. The changes may also have an impact on the purpose of the crown dial, which can now be tuned to support widgets instead of watchOS apps.

The WWDC 2023 keynote is next month, where we’ll find out more about the rumored return of widgets to watchOS, along with other improvements in iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and new macOS versions. Apple is expected to bring its first 15-inch MacBook Air at the conference this year as well. Once Tim Cook & Co. will open up the lot next month to showcase its latest offerings.

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