Why this might be the best feature coming to iPhones in September – Times of India

Come September and there’ll be a wave of excitement as Apple’s shiny new iphone expected to come. The anticipation isn’t just limited to those looking to buy a new iPhone, but also those who have older iPhones, as there will be iOS 15 in tow. Apple’s latest software update that will bring new features to older iPhones. Now, we are using iOS 15 It’s been a public beta and a plethora of new features for a while now. However, iOS 15 has one exceptional feature and in our opinion, one of the best – if not the best – focus mode. Here we will tell you all about the best features of iOS 15 in detail.

What is focus mode?

On the face of it, Focus Mode is a take on the Do Not Disturb feature. But Apple has actually flipped the feature’s template and made it really stand out. What does focus mode do that it allows iPhone For users to set filters for notifications, calls and even messages. Users can receive alerts on how and when you need them at particular times. There’s also an auto-reply feature that can automatically send messages when you’re not using the iPhone. Apple CEO Tim Cook recently said that, “We don’t want people to use their phones all the time. That’s never been an objective for us.” Focus Mode ensures that people don’t use their iPhone all the time.


What can you do with Focus Mode?

Apple has provided some presets that can set the focus mode so that you see less on your iPhone. However there are many other features that it offers and we list some of them:

customized home screen

Once focus mode is on, there is an option to customize the home screen as well. Users can only see what is important to them and are not distracted in some way or the other by other apps. You can set up a custom home screen for personal use – messaging apps or streaming apps will appear. If you want a custom home screen for work, you can tweak the screen to show the email app or video call app.

you can set timer

You can silence all notifications for a certain time of day by activating focus mode at that particular time. If you want to avoid looking at your phone, such as during dinner time or after an afternoon nap, this feature comes in handy.

More than Do Not Disturb

Inside the focus mode, you will find Do Not Disturb. Enabling this feature will only allow certain contacts or apps whose notifications you can use. With this, you can also choose to dim the lock screen and hide all notifications if you want.

Focus Mode works on all Apple devices

One of the best aspects of being in the Apple ecosystem is the seamless synchronization between Apple devices. It works with focus mode as well it can be applied to all Apple devices at the same time. For example, if you turn on focus mode on your iPhone it can automatically turn on iPad, Apple Watch and MacBook.

auto-reply feature

If you have focus mode activated and you receive a message, there is an auto-reply feature. You can turn it on so that your contact gets an automatic message telling them that notifications have been turned off on your phone and that you are busy.

How to set focus mode?

For starters, you’ll need iOS 15. You can download the public beta version but be warned that you may face some bugs as it is still not the real deal and Apple is still testing it. If you have iOS 15, here are the steps to follow:

Note that there are so many customization options available, we’ve chosen to show only one of them.


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