Why is the birth anniversary of Tenzing Norgay celebrated as International Mount Everest Day?

International Mount Everest Day 2022: Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. The summit of this huge mountain is at 8,849 meters (over 29,000 feet). So far many climbers have tried to climb Everest, but most of the expeditions have been unsuccessful. It is an extremely difficult and dangerous journey to reach the top of the mountain due to extreme weather, scarce oxygen and unavailability of any additional supplies.

However, among the few climbers to reach the summit, the first to do so were Sir Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal.

May 29, 1953 was the day Tenzing and Edmund achieved what was until then considered almost impossible. It was an amusing coincidence that the two achieved the historic feat on Tenzing’s birthday. Tenzing was born on 29 May 1914.

He was 31 when he touched the Mount Everest summit. When he climbed Everest in May 1953, the world only became aware of the feat he had achieved after the coronation of the two men by Queen Elizabeth II three days later on June 2.

In honor of Tenzing Norgay, Nepal declared 29 May as International Everest Day. The day was first celebrated in 2008, the year Edmund Hillary died. It is celebrated every year mainly to promote mountain tourism. Ministers, mountaineers, tourism entrepreneurs, government officials and many prominent personalities participate in the commemorative events organized on this day in Nepal.

While Tenzing and Edmund became the first to climb Everest, this was not the first attempt by anyone to do so. According to Britannica, in 1921, George Mallory and Guy Bullock had planned and executed the Mount Everest expedition, but could not reach the summit.

Then in 1922 Brigadier General CG Bruce and the group tried to do it but they too failed to reach the summit. In 1924, Brigadier Generals Bruce and Mallory tried it together and recorded the highest climb of 8,565 meters or 28 thousand feet until 1953, when Tenzing and Edmund reached the top of the mountain.

After that several attempts were made between 1924 and 1953 but proved unsuccessful due to various reasons like death of passengers, lack of supplies etc.

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