Why influencer marketing is beneficial in brand building, explains Noor Vishu Sehgal


Published: Published Date – 06:16 PM, Thu – 30 June 22

Hyderabad: Building your brand is the first step towards brand awareness and recognition. Today social media has given birth to various online brands. But to stand out in the clutter and make a name for your brand, you need to implement some digital marketing trends to stay strong in the game. And influencer marketing is one such trend that is extremely beneficial in your brand-building process.

Noor Vishu Sehgal, a popular luxury influencer and fashion designer, is ruling the social media space with her amazing content. With 135k+ followers on Instagram, Noor’s content is not only drool-worthy, but they are also extremely valuable. Noor creates engaging content on fashion and the trendiest bride on Instagram has been winning hearts with her stellar content.

As a content creator and workshop trainer on social media marketing skills, Noor believes influencer marketing is a must these days for successful brand building. Influencer marketing is one of the key steps in brand building. From building trust to building a community with your audience and creating greater brand awareness, influencer marketing has proven its ability to help you achieve your business goals. And it only keeps getting bigger and better.

Noor Vishu Sehgal explains the importance of influencer marketing and how it is beneficial for brand building

1. Wider reach and increased visibility

Brands can create engaging and interesting campaigns with influencers to reach potential customers. The existing follower base of influencers helps the brand to reach a wider audience. It also helps in more interaction and engagement with the followers and your brand becomes more visible and stays on top of the mind of the audience.

2. Builds long lasting trust

“Influencers bring a sense of community to their audiences,” says Noor. They add credibility and authority to the brand and thus people become loyal followers of the brand. People value the perspective of influencers and give credit to their recommendations, making your brand a trusted destination for your customers. This built up trust helps in better conversion rates of your products or services.

3. Spreads awareness of your brand

Through influencer marketing, social media users get to know about your brand in an even better way. Influencers act as brand advocates who showcase your products and services. Consumers get a direct chance to interact with the influencer and learn more about the brand through your content, and with tags and shares, brand awareness grows.

4. Offers Value

The sole purpose for influencers is to create content that can add value to their audience. So they always have a rich content strategy to deliver solutions and meet all the needs of the followers. Brands can take advantage of this aspect as people are inclined towards value-driven content rather than consuming meaningless content.

5. Adds New Perspectives to Content

Influencers are creative and they always bring freshness and innovation to their content. In a cluttered digital space, it is very important to stand out with your content and create winning content that will help in making a lasting impact on the audience. They are also aware of what their audience is looking for and thus can customize the content in the same way. They will position your brand in an organic way that will resonate with the audience on a deeper level.

Noor conducts both online and offline workshops on social media marketing and all her previous workshops have been successful. His ingenuity, passion and amazing social media marketing skills have played a vital role in his journey as an influencer. Therefore, apply influencer marketing trends to build a brand of your own.

you can explore more https://instagram.com/noorvishusehgal?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=