Why Facebook advertisers are ‘nervous’ about this iPhone feature – Times of India

Facebook not really happy Apple Since iPhone the producer talked about App Tracking Transparency Feature back in June 2020 at their annual developer conference.
It’s been nearly three months since Apple rolled out the feature, which gives users the option to be tracked online by advertisers on the app with iOS 14.5, and it’s been enough time for iPhone users to opt out.
According to a Bloomberg report, data from analytics firm Branch showed that only 25% of users are opting to be tracked, causing panic in the advertising industry.
The Mark Zuckerberg-led social media giant declined to respond to a Bloomberg report, data from the branch claims about 75% of iPhone users are now running iOS 14.5 or later with app tracking transparency. Of this, only 25% of users have tapped “Allow” when prompted.
The Bloomberg report cites several advertisers who are facing its effects.
Zack Stuckmedia, who runs Homestead Studios and spends millions on Facebook ads per buyer, “What Facebook was great about was being able to see who bought and found that user’s buyer behavior – what other websites they’re visiting What are the other things doing?” Month said. While it can’t see this data, Facebook can’t accurately “find other people who may be able to buy products similar to it.”
“There is no source of truth anymore. Every platform gives you a different number,” said Dave Herrmann, who runs his own agency called Herrmann Digital and manages more than $2.5 million in monthly Facebook ad spend.
Back in May, Facebook was seen adding a new notice — what it calls the Educational Screen — within its Facebook and Instagram iOS apps to urge its users not to opt out.
Why does Facebook have a problem with app tracking transparency?
Facebook uses IDFA or what is known as an identifier for advertisers. As the name suggests, it is a tool to track you and your phone across apps, services and websites. IDFA uses random identifiers to deliver customized ads.
Facebook relies on this data because it is part of their business model and it is no wonder why they are against it. To be fair to Facebook, one of its biggest arguments is that IDFA helps know how ad campaigns have performed. Many small developers rely on these ads as a source of income and the ATT feature hurts them.


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