Why do some mosquitoes bite more than others? Here’s what science says

Monsoon can take a toll on human health. From manageable illness like cold and flu to deadly diseases like dengue, malaria and chikungunya, monsoon brings with it health complications that can put us at risk. Although it may not be possible to avoid mosquito bites, the vector is successful in spreading these diseases, despite using methods such as mosquito repellants and avoidance of mosquito breeding.

In a group, you might have noticed that there is always someone or the other who complains about the mosquitoes attacking them the most. That’s because mosquitoes are selective insects, and some people are more likely to bite than others, according to a report by Huff Post.

There are a few factors that contribute to this effect. In a controlled study by the Journal of Medical Entomology, the bugs landed on people with blood type O almost twice as much as on people with type A. The researchers noted that it has nothing to do with the secretions we produce, which repel mosquitoes from a person’s blood. Type.

Professor of Entomology at the University of Florida, Jonathan F. Day said more research needs to be done on the potential preference of mosquitoes for certain blood types. He agreed, however, that mosquitoes tend to pick up on some of the signals we leave behind, making some people more likely to be bitten by insects.

“These signals tell them they are going to a blood source,” Day said. “Perhaps CO2 is most important. The amount of CO2 you produce, like people with high metabolic rates — genetics, other factors — increases the amount of carbon dioxide you exhale. The more you give, the more you give to these arthropods. They are just as attractive.”

The next question that comes up is, what separates us from inanimate entities that release carbon dioxide like cars? Mosquitoes look for primary signals, which Day calls “secondary signals”.

Lactic acid—the stuff that causes our muscles to cramp during exercise—is one of those secondary signs, for example. Day said lactic acid is released through the skin, which signals to mosquitoes that we are a target.

Mosquitoes also have other properties that help them pick up on secondary signals.

“Mosquitoes have excellent eyesight, but they fly close to the ground to stay out of the wind,” Day said. “They’re able to compare you with the horizon, so that’s how you’re dressed. If you have darker clothing, you’re going to draw more because you’ll stand out from the horizon, while those wearing lighter colors will be more attracted to you.” Won’t be.”

A mosquito also takes “tactile cues” once it lands on you.

“Body heat is a really important tactile signal,” Day said. “It plays with genetic differences or physical differences. Some people run a little warmer – when they land, they look for a place where the blood is closer to the skin.” That means those with a slightly higher temperature , they are more likely to bite.

Lifestyle or other health factors may also play a role, said Cleveland Clinic dermatologist Melissa Piliang. “If the body temperature is high, you’re exercising and moving around a lot, or if you’re drinking, you’re more attractive to mosquitoes,” Piliang said. “Being pregnant or being overweight also increases metabolic rate.”

The Huff Post also noted that one study showed that people who consumed just one can of beer had a higher risk of attracting mosquitoes than those who didn’t. Of course, drinking outside is a popular summer and fall activity. “If you’re walking around doing yardwork all day and then you stop in the evening and have a beer on your patio, you’re definitely in danger of being bitten,” Piliang said.

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