Why Bikes Don’t Have Diesel Engines – News18

Last Updated: March 23, 2024, 15:11 IST

Bikes are usually designed to operate quietly.

Bikes are usually designed to operate quietly.

Diesel engines are heavier than gasoline or electric ones because they have more parts, mainly due to their need for more cooling.

Bikes usually have petrol engines, and you might wonder why they don’t use diesel engines instead, especially since diesel is often cheaper. This question came up on social media, and an expert provided a thorough explanation. Mechanical expert Rebecca Williams explained that while diesel engines are efficient, emit less carbon, and have high torque, which are great qualities for any engine, they are still not used in motorcycles. Instead, bikes typically use petrol, gasoline, or electric engines. The reason for this is quite specific.

Diesel engines are heavier than gasoline or electric ones because they have more parts, mainly due to their need for more cooling. This extra weight makes the motorcycle heavier and slower. Motorcycles are generally made to be light for speed, making diesel engines unsuitable. Additionally, diesel engines cost more than gasoline or electric ones because they need more materials and advanced technology to make them. They also require more maintenance and repairs, which can increase the bike’s cost.

Diesel engines are noisier than gasoline or electric ones because they produce more vibration and combustion noise. This loudness can be bothersome to both the rider and nearby pedestrians, particularly in cities where noise pollution is already an issue. Bikes usually to operate quietly. Moreover, diesel engines create less energy compared to gasoline or electric engines, which leads to lower RPMs. To prevent these issues, manufacturers prefer to use petrol, gasoline, or electric engines in motorcycles.

In the 1990s, despite facing minimal competition, Royal Enfield emerged as a leader in this niche market. To solidify its dominance, the company launched the Taurus, powered by a diesel engine, in 1993.

By 2000, Royal Enfield decided to stop producing the Taurus. At a price point of about Rs 65,000 then, the motorcycle had been a top seller but struggled to maintain a significant market share. This was largely due to concerns over emissions and the maintenance challenges that came with its diesel engine.