Why Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ space company thinks NASA is taking a bigger risk with Elon Musk’s SpaceX – Times of India

Jeff Bezos’ blue original has once again criticized NASA’s decision to contract the astronaut lunar lander Elon Muskof SpaceX. It has pointed to technical details it claims could be risky for Moon missions. Blue Origin published an infographic on its website where it took a swing at Elon Musk’s Starship, saying that SpaceX is using Starship to transport NASA Astronauts on the surface of the Moon are “extremely complex and high-risk”.
The infographic on Blue Origin’s website says, “There is an unprecedented number of technologies, developments and operations for Starship’s Moon landings that have never been done before.”

“This involves developing Super Heavy – not only the largest launch vehicle stage ever built, but one that has to be reusable – and Starship – the first reusable second stage. Then, the two systems must work together. A launch site in Boca Chica, Texas that has never performed an orbital launch should demonstrate the ability to do so 7-11 times within 1-week increments and approach to be absolutely sure of the mission’s success. change in.
Recently, a US government watchdog sided with NASA over its decision to choose a single lunar lander provider, overcoming a protest filed by Blue Origin and defense contractor Dianetics Inc. The companies had challenged Elon Musk’s $2.9 billion award to SpaceX for the lander, arguing NASA needed to offer multiple awards. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said it “rebutted opposing arguments that NASA acted improperly in awarding SpaceX a single award.” In April, NASA awarded SpaceX a contract to build such a spacecraft in early 2024. Blue Origin had argued that NASA had given SpaceX an unfair advantage by revising its pricing.


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