Who Is Hamish Harding, Billionaire Helped India Get Namibian Cheetahs Home, Aboard Missing Titanic Submarine?

Hamish Harding, a UK businessman and chairman of Action Aviation, is one of five people who disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean on a tourist submarine to view the wreck of the Titanic. He is also a renowned adventurer, who holds three Guinness World Records, such as the longest duration at full sea depth by a crewed vessel. He dived to the deepest point of the Mariana Trench in March 2021 with ocean explorer Victor Vescovo. He blasted off to space in June 2022 on Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket. He collaborated with the Indian government to bring eight wild cheetahs from Namibia to India. September 2020. He flew in one of his aircraft from Namibia to Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, where the cheetahs were relocated.

their role in relocating cheetahs

Harding is the president of an aircraft company and a renowned adventurer who has set three world records and traveled into space. He was part of the mission to bring cheetahs from Namibia to India in September 2020. He flew from Namibia in a Boeing 747-400 to Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, where cheetahs were introduced.

He said in a Facebook video before taking off from Namibia that he was very excited about the project and the aircraft. He called it a wonderful project and a wonderful aircraft that could fly from South Africa directly to India. His company, Action Aviation, commissioned the jet that brought eight Namibian cheetahs to India.

Their Facebook said, “The Boeing 747 “Jumbo Jet” aircraft that is carrying the eight cheetahs to India is a B747-400 passenger jet. The jet cabin has been modified to allow the cages to be secured to the main cabin of the aircraft.” but will still allow veterinarians full access to the cats during the flight. The aircraft is a long range jet capable of flying for up to 16 hours and can therefore fly directly from Namibia to India without refueling can fly, an important consideration for well-to-be cheetahs.”

Also Read: 10 Things To Know About Ocean Gate’s Missing Titanic-Bound Submarine

His Latest Adventure to the Titanic Wreck

Harding’s visit to the wreck of the Titanic was his latest adventure. He’s been to the South Pole multiple times, flown into space on Blue Origin’s fifth manned flight in 2022, and set three world records – including the longest time spent in full ocean depth while diving into the deepest part of the Mariana Trench Including longest time. ,

He announced on social media over the weekend that he was on a ship that had left St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, for the Titanic wreck site. He said that he is proud to announce that he will be on a mission to the wreckage of the Titanic. It is likely to be the first and only manned mission for the Titanic in 2023 because of the worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, he said. They said they had a weather window and were going to attempt the dive on Sunday morning at around 04:00 local time.

Also read: Titanic tourist submarine missing with five on board had only 70 hours of oxygen: Report

Action Aviation said Sunday that Harding was diving and the submarine’s launch was successful. Later, her stepson Brian Szasz deleted a post on Facebook saying that Harding had gone missing on the submarine.

Patrick Woodhead, founder of British tour operator White Desert Antarctica, said Harding was an incredible aviation explorer and a great advocate for making the world a better place. He said that Harding had traveled with him to Antarctica several times, including with American astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

A UK Foreign Office spokesman said they were in contact with the family of a British man following reports of a submarine missing off the coast of North America.

The Titanic, which sank in April 1912, lies about 700 km south of St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. Rescue operations for the missing sub are being conducted from Boston, Massachusetts, and the US Coast Guard said a research vessel called the ‘Polar Prince’ had conducted a surface search for the sub on Monday evening. It is used to tow submarines to the wreck site and was the support vessel for Sunday’s tourist expedition.