WHO: ‘Extreme caution’ in lifting virus limits – Times of India

Geneva: Chief of Emergency Situations World Health Organization is calling on governments to take “extreme caution” in lifting restrictions completely aimed at halting the spread of COVID-19, warning that transmissions will increase as countries open up.
Dr. Michael ryan asked during a WHO news conference to answer BritainThis week’s decision to ease restrictions despite rising cases, “every country is lifting restrictions in one way or another” is expected to strike a balance between a return to normality and the need to control the virus in the form of vaccinations. grow in
“Transmission will increase when you open up,” Ryan says, because not everyone is vaccinated and uncertainty remains about how much vaccination prevents transmission.
Maria van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical head on COVID-19, says several factors were driving the transmission of Covid-19: the behavior of the coronavirus and its variants; social mix; less social measures; and uneven and unequal distribution of coronavirus vaccines.
“The virus is showing us right now that it is thriving,” she says. “It’s not theoretical.”
Globally, there have been nearly 4 million confirmed deaths from the coronavirus.


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