WHO chief says 2022 year could end Covid pandemic if countries stop inequality

New Delhi: As the world enters its third year of the pandemic, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the world will have to work together to end COVID-19 in the year 2022 in his New Year’s address.

He highlighted that Covid-19 is not the only health threat the world’s people will face next year, Tedros said, adding that millions of people missed routine vaccinations, services for family planning, treatment for communicable and non-communicable diseases Huh.

Read also: US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin tests Covid positive under home quarantine for ‘next five days’

On Friday, Tedros said, “While no country is out of the pandemic, we have many new tools to prevent and treat COVID-19. The longer inequality continues, the greater the risk of developing this virus.” There will be more.” prevent or predict. If we end inequality, we end the epidemic”.

He further added that to help prepare the world for future pandemics and pandemics, we established the new WHO Biohub system for countries to share new biological material. And we opened the WHO Hub for Epidemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin to leverage innovations in data science for public health surveillance and response, the WHO chief said.

The world has recently witnessed a new form of COVID-19, which has been detected as ‘Omicron’ in South Africa. WHO has classified omicron As in the ‘form of concern’.

He reiterated that “we need all countries to work together to reach the global goal of immunizing 70 percent of people in all countries by the middle of 2022.”

Earlier, during a press briefing, Tedros had said in a media briefing that “2022 should be the year we end the pandemic”. The comments were made after WHO granted emergency use authorization to the ninth vaccine produced by Serum Institute of India (SII) under license from Novavax.

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