When will the vaccine be available again in states including Amil Kovasin, Kolkata? Firhad also has no answer

Covasin has already been put on hold in Kolkata due to the famine. This is the picture in every district. On Friday, Kovasin was stopped at 39 centers in Kolkata. Atin Ghosh made the announcement on Thursday. The municipality has claimed that covasin is not being sent to the state from the center. In such a situation, Firhad Hakim himself does not know when Covasin will be given again. Meanwhile, many people are in dire straits from this famine. Many people have a second dose of the vaccine left. Despite the announcement, many people gathered at vaccination centers on Friday to receive a second dose of Covacin. According to Calcutta Municipal Corporation minister and chief administrator Firhad Hakim, this is not an issue in the state.

On Friday, Firhad Hakim told reporters, “The issue of Kovasin is not in the hands of the state. Therefore, the Calcutta Municipality is not able to provide covasin. Don’t know when the center will vaccinate. If the vaccine arrives in the state on Saturday night, the vaccine can be given again from Monday.

Meanwhile, to facilitate the process of vaccination, Firhad said that the vaccine would be given on the evening of the previous day. The Chief Administrator of the Municipal Corporation said, ‘We have decided that vaccination will continue till 4 pm in 16 mega centers of Kolkata. From there, coupons will be given for tomorrow’s vaccinations. However, there is the potential for coupon fraud. So those who get the coupons will have to bring the original and photocopies of Aadhar and Voter card. He will kill the stamp.’

Also, Firhad Hakim said that from now on, police will be deployed at every mega center. Instructions have been sent to the concerned police stations in this regard. Meanwhile, the coupon system may be introduced later in the remaining 146 smaller centers in Kolkata, Firhad Hakim said. However, the final decision will be taken after looking after the management of the mega centre.

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