When will the guest go?: Watch the havoc of Corona in the country in 20 cartoons

New Delhi10 minutes ago

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It was almost two years that an unknown guest entered the Corona house. This guest, who had been in the house for a long time, caused a lot of devastation. But our patience did not win. We poor tolerant Indians, the bearers of our great traditions of hospitality, did not shy away from paying our respects to even this uninvited guest.

You made us ‘positive’, and we have learned to ‘be’ positive. We have left no stone unturned in your honor. So great guest, follow your guest religion, change your habit of going anywhere uninvited, and don’t camp for more than two-four days like a good guest. Excuse me where you heard, and get away as soon as possible. Before we have to ask you ‘When will the guest leave?’ Dainik Bhaskar’s show depicting the struggle with Corona in the last almost two years cartoonist mansoor naqvi K20 Cartoons…

Their hunger started increasing, they now had to eat our jobs and economy too. Even then our hospitality did not weaken. Even their eyes fell on our goodwill, tried too, but it was not enough for them to digest it, so they did not succeed.

We Indians continued to welcome Corona with sanitizer, mask, vaccine, decoction, candle, mobile torch, papad, cow dung like a good hospitality. And these guests were also pleased with our service, so happy, that they sat down in the camp. Now their demand started increasing. Now where were they supposed to believe only from lock down, distancing, quarantine.

Our (a) honourable guest, ecstatic with our service, even got his distant relatives flu, omicron etc. to be called. Being a good and cultured Indian, we also gave him full respect. Even before their arrival, they also made complete preparations for hospitality with crores of vaccines.

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