When the gods asked Shiva-Parvati for their son: both sent blessings and Kartikeya killed Tarakasur

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  • Aaj Ka Jeevan Mantra By Pandit Vijayshankar Mehta, Story Of Kartikeya, Shiv Ji And Parvati Ji Both Sent Blessings And Kartikeya Killed Tarakasur.

14 hours agoAuthor: Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta

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Kartikeya Swami, the son of Shiva-Parvati, was brought up by 6 Kritikas, due to which he was named Kartikeya. When Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati sent their servants and called the child Kartikeya to Mount Kailash.

Shiva ji and Parvati ji were in great joy that their son had returned to them. The gods gave this child education, power and weapons. Lakshmi ji gave a divine necklace. Saraswati ji gave perfect teachings. The festival was being celebrated at Kailash. At that time all the gods reached Shiva-Parvati and said, ‘It has been decided that this child will kill the demon named Tarakasur, who has troubled us a lot. This child of yours, whom we all call Kumar, has come to you. Now hand it over to us. He has so much ability that he can become the commander of the gods.

Shiva-Parvati thought that the son has just arrived, but for the sake of public welfare we should hand it over. He sent Kartikeya with his blessings. Kartikeya killed Tarakasur.


The message of this story is that parents should make their children worthy, keep no shortage in it, make the worthy children useful for the society and the nation. When the society and the nation need our worthy children, they should not be stopped. When children do good deeds for the society and nation, then the whole family and clan get respect, as Kartikeya Swami exalted the name of Shiva-Parvati.

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