When Radhakrishnan was very happy one day: Received a letter from the British philosopher Russell, wrote – Making you President Honors scholarship

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  • Today’s Life Mantra by Pandit Vijayshankar Mehta, Story of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan A letter to the British philosopher Russell, wrote respecting the scholar to make you the President

2 hours agoAuthor: Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta

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Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was famous for his balanced thoughts and speech. He never used to display his scholarship without reason. One day he was very happy.

The people accompanying Dr. Radhakrishnan were very surprised to see him happy. Everyone thought that perhaps the reason for happiness would be that he has been made the second President of India. Then people thought that he was also the first Vice President. Why are you so happy today? Has he got arrogance after becoming the President of such a big republic? Such a great educationist became so pleased with the post of a scholar.

Someone asked him, ‘Doctor saab, you are looking very happy. What is the matter?’

Shortly before he was announced to be the President. Dr. Radhakrishnan said to the person, ‘The posts keep coming and going. I am happy because I have received a letter and it is from Bertrand Russell. He is a British mathematician, philosopher, and he has also got a Nobel Prize for literature.

It was written in that letter, ‘India has chosen an educationist as its President. When a learned person sits on a post, the dignity of that post increases further.’ Russell was very satisfied to see that the scholarship would receive such a great reward.

Radhakrishnan said, ‘I am very happy to read this letter today. That’s why I have a feeling in my mind that one should always cherish our scholarship, our knowledge. There is a teacher inside every person and there is a deity within every teacher. He should be protected. This is the reason for my happiness.’

Lessons – Have faith in your scholarship, one day or the other, he will definitely get due respect.

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