When ‘Grim Reaper’ knocks on your door

Death is inevitable. It eventually occurs in all living organisms. The state of human death has always been covered with mystery and superstition.

In modern times, the study of death has become a central concern in both philosophy as well as biological research.

Today various newspapers not only list the dead, but also almost terrifyingly describe death in terrifying detail.

Death is no longer rooted in taboos.

Bereavement is a period of mourning, or a state of intense grief that is felt when a relative or close friend has died. When you grieve, it is part of the normal process of reacting to the loss.

While complex grief can be extremely painful, disruptive, and consuming, it is usually self-limiting, and does not require formal treatment. However, grief-related major depression can be persistent, disabling, interfere with work and quality of life, and may be life-threatening if left untreated.

In some cases, it is believed that grief has characteristics of physical illness… such as a known aetiology (death of a loved one), distress, other symptoms, and functional impairment. While there is treatment/treatment… it is often found to be incomplete. The loss of the person may in turn provoke some mental complications, such as major depression.

How long will the sadness last?

The intensity and duration are determined by the premorbid personality, genetic makeup, vulnerabilities, and type of health, spiritual support, and loss. So..it varies from a few days, months or even more than a year.

Are there any signs for coping with the death of a loved one?

Realize that everyone deals with it differently… and that no style of mourning is right or wrong. It’s your own personal journey… and you are allowed to feel, say, and do whatever you need to heal.

Talk about it when you’re ready… not when others feel you should share it.

Crying, cursing, wailing… if you have to… this whole thing of “be strong for the family” is hogwash!

Try to be with close friends..it helps over time.
Although there may be a tendency to drink alcohol or use drugs… Avoid or limit as much as possible.

While you need to remember the good things..avoid building man’s temple. It’s okay to get rid of personal belongings, without feeling guilty. Celebrate their life..don’t focus on death.. easier said than done..but we need to try.

Time is the best healer. We will always remember…but the pain associated with this incident will subside with time.
In some situations, it may be necessary to seek treatment from a psychiatrist, or even join a support group for people who have died in the family. The recent pandemic has allowed many self-help groups to flourish, which have been of great benefit to the bereaved.

You are not perfect. Your responses will not be correct. You decide when you allow yourself to heal… with help or without help. And then find peace beyond the pain.

The ones we love don’t go away..They walk with us every day.Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed..and very dear…….anonymous



The views expressed above are those of the author.

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