What’s the Distinction Between Haryali Teej and Hartalika Teej? Here is All You Must Know

In India, the competition of Teej is well known with nice zeal and enthusiasm by younger girls. Devoted to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, there are two varieties of Teej which are celebrated through the monsoon season specifically Haryali Teej and Hartalika Teej. Though the that means of each festivals derives inspiration from tales of Shiva and Parvati, the 2 have significance of their very own. As we rejoice Haryali Teej right this moment and Hartalika Teej in August, right here now we have detailed what’s the distinction between each festivals together with their dates, as per the Hindu calendar.

What’s Haryali Teej?

In English, the phrase Haryali interprets to Greenery and similar to the identify suggests, Haryali Teej is well known to commemorate the inexperienced lush fantastic thing about mom nature through the monsoon. Because the season begins, mom Earth is surrounded by greenery and therefore Haryali season can be known as Shravana Teej.

ALSO READ: Hariyali Teej 2022: Historical past, Significance, Puja Vidhi and Shubh Muhurat

As per Hindu mythology, Haryali Teej can also be the day when Lord Shiva accepted Goddess Paravati as his spouse. Yearly to rejoice the union of Shiva and Parvati, at the present time is commemorated by devotees all throughout the nation.

Haryali Teej is also the day when Lord Shiva accepted Goddess Paravati as his wife. (Representative image: Shutterstock)
Haryali Teej can also be the day when Lord Shiva accepted Goddess Paravati as his spouse. (Consultant picture: Shutterstock)

When is Haryali Teej 2022?

This yr, Haryali Teej falls on Sunday, July 31. The particular Ravi Yog of the Teej competition will start on 2.20 pm on July 31 and finish on 6.04 am on August 1.

What’s Hartalika Teej?

Based on the legend, Hartalika Teej is well known as a result of Goddess Parvati made the holy Shiva Lingam out of the sand. It was on the third day of Bhadrapud that the occasion passed off. Similar to Haryali Teej, even Hartalika Teej marks the union of Shiva and Parvati. It’s mentioned that Lord Shiva was totally impressed by the shiva lingam created by Parvati that he determined to marry her.

On at the present time, girls observe Nirjala vrat for the lengthy life and well being of their husbands. Single girls may observe the quick to hunt an appropriate accomplice.

When is Hartalika Teej 2022?

Hartalika Teej 2022 shall be noticed on August 30, this yr. The particular tithi of the worshipping will start on 6.30 am and can final till 8.33 am the following day. Throughout the Pradosh Kaal, the auspicious timing will start on 6.33 pm to eight.51 pm within the night.

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